Why Make Money from Blogging at Home?

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I have to be honest; I never thought I would be making money blogging at home.

Blogging, Really…

Isn’t that talking junk and showing off on the internet so you can get people’s attention?  Just a more personal type of digital socializing.  That’s what I used to think.  Until I learned that blogging to make money is real.

Check out this amazing article to start blogging in a simple but practical way.

It hasn’t been that long ago that I was involved with money making opportunities online trying to make extra money just to supplement my income.  The truth is I was spending a lot of my income trying to do it.

After a lot of time and effort wasted I quit. Then I realized, this is crap.

I know people that make it.

Make Money Blogging

I know people that make 5 figure incomes monthly. I know people that make a few hundred and even a few thousand monthly. I also know many that don’t make anything, so I decided to do my due diligence and find out why.

I’ve Tried Other Things Before, What Makes the Next Opportunity Different?

Typically nothing.  Let me explain.

My first question is why do they do it? What is behind all those people that come online and join the best sounding opportunity to make money. There are multitudes of reasons for time freedom, retirement, travel, more time with family and on and on but it all boils down to money. End of story.

The promises of success and grandeur catch their attention and here they go.

My second question is why do they fail? Now that they have found an opportunity they go into full force doing what they are told to do. “Promote it”. Failure Arrives quickly for most at this point. A few hundred dollars, or even a few thousand in and they are running away screaming this is a scam. Get me the hell out of here.

They fail because their training and support are either not there, lacking, outdated or just downright wrong. It’s really not their fault. It comes from the top.

So here is my next question. Why would they bring people in and let them fail? It seems to me that they would make more money keeping them.  It’s really sad…  They already know that only 1 or 2% of the people will ever make any money.

  • A quick buck
  • It’s all in the numbers
  • These companies come and go.

Most are short-lived or just let it roll till it fizzles and are on to the next best thing and all the people follow along with all the newbies looking.  It’s Pretty and Shiny and new and they promise you can achieve financial freedom… Yea for themselves.

There Was a Beginning for All the People at the Top

Let’s face it.  The people at the top started where everyone starts.  Looking for the same thing.  They either had the money to build their company and have others do the work for them or they learned how to attract people, they worked very hard, and they made their dreams come true for themselves.

So What Does All This Have to Do with Blogging from Home to Make Money?

It tells you why I work at home blogging to make money and why I do not chase the next best internet scam.

You see, my blogs are mine and belong to no one else.  They are my business.  And the work that I put into them makes them continue to grow in trust, and it gives people what they need.  I also love it because I blog about what interests me and I get to meet people that are interested in the same things.

Look at this one, the one you are on now.  I give people what they need to make money from home while keeping their integrity and money intact.  The opportunity to learn, the tools, the tips.  I also interact with my visitors through comments and dialogue.  I blog from home to make money and I love it.  You can too.

How Do I Do it?

1. What Interests You?

The most important question is what do you want to blog about?  What interests you?  That is what you will blog about.  That is the topic that will make you money.

2. Build a Website

Now that you know what you want to blog about you have to build a website so you can blog online. WordPress is a nice CMS tool to start with because no one likes to code the whole site at the initial level.

3. Attract Visitors

Your blogging will attract visitors to your website that are interested in what your blog is about. Utilize images to explain things as a blog post with images boosts readers engagement a lot and single image is capable of explaining hundreds of words.

Check out these 20 blog post ideas to attract readers to your blog.

4. Make Money

So how does that make me money?  Once you build your website based on your interests you and you begin writing quality, interesting content on your blog people searching for information will start finding your blog and reading it.

There are many many ways to monetize your blog and once you get there you will begin making money and growing.  The sky is the limit.  It’s all up to you.

The reason I spoke so much about training and the next best thing and all above is that of even someone that blogs started somewhere.

Those people on top started somewhere.  I had to learn how to do it, how to build it and how to make it work for me.  It didn’t come naturally. The writing does because I write about what I like. But not all the rest.

Why Make Money from Blogging at Home?

Because you can and you can do it with all the tools and host necessary for a tiny fraction of what you will spend chasing the next best opportunity.  And you can start for free so you can see what it is all about.

And guess what, if you are the next best opportunity and if you know how to blog then you will be able to make money and join the people on top.  If you choose to go that way.  Their doors in the blogging world are limitless. And so is the success.

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