Link building resources that will increase your search rankings

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We all know the importance of SEO, but are we aware that link building is a crucial process of SEO? Link building is essential for any digital marketing plan. A sound link-building strategy and methodology helps you attain a higher position in the SERP. It also creates site visibility with increased website traffic.


There are various techniques of link building, you can do it by yourself or choose to work with an agency to buy backlink packages directly. Some proven methods are directory submission, commenting on numerous sites of the same niche, article submission platforms, and review/rating. Whether an expert or a novice digital marketer, these ten link-building resources are highly recommended to achieve your goals. Should you need the basic conceptual clarity on when & why to build these links, I highly recommend downloading this ebook, Structured Approach To Link Building:

1. Guest posts.

Guest post is a way to create accessible content on other websites or blog pages. It is a proven way to exchange backlinks to your webpage. In a few cases, the author also allows leaving a link on his bio page. The strategy is a well-accepted win-win formula for both parties. The site provides free content access to the target audience.

In some cases, due to low-quality content, google has been warning some websites. It has restricted many site owners from promoting link building. However, most websites still look for quality content to encourage link building. Guest posts remain one of the best link-building strategies.

2. Public relations.

A few marketers may term public relations an outdated strategy, but it has proved to be an effective link-building strategy. It includes a specific process for the link-building process. One of the ways to get backlinks is using online content or a breaking new article. Earlier, the method was limited to approaching news channels or prominent journalists.

With technology, the requirement for journalists’ intervention has been reduced. It also allows new channels and journalists to place references in their editorial section, which acts as a backlink. Authors can use their expertise in finance, share markets, research, and other niches. In addition, use press releases as a tool to help your company grow.

3. Internal links.

Internal links help lead your audience from one page to the other on the same website. It is an excellent method to increase the traffic and authority of your website. However, be sure of the relevance of content when creating links on the website.

SERP ranking increases considerably with internal link building. Many resources are used for internal link building. However, niche and website content are the keys to creating effective internal links. In addition, link-building tools like Majestic SEO and Google Link-building tools are practical.

4. Content quality matters.

No matter how many tools or methods one applies, the quality of content is of prime importance. The audience looks for quality information with high-quality content. Research plays an essential part before you begin content creation. In addition, plan out the links-building methods you will implement in your content.

Low-quality content will increase the bounce rate, and the content will drop in the SERP ranking. Readers will share the content and increase the search ranking if the article is good. Great content has great chances to create backlinks by various websites that find content relevant.

5. Use interactive tools.

Interactive tools are similar to content that is used on a website. One good example is a cost calculator used as a valuable resource for your visitors. People are optimistic about tools that help them evaluate their search. If you are a financial blogger, use an interest calculator for your visitors as a tool.

6. Broken link building.

Using broken links is an effective way to get backlinks to your website content. Find broken links on other websites or blogs and alert the user by inviting them to share a related link to your website. Tools like Ahrefs Site Explorer can effectively find broken links.

7. Use the power of social media.

Social media is an effective tool for link building. It creates awareness about your brand and products. Links on social media will encourage people to find your content and share it with others. However, social media links will not impact your SERP ranking.

8. Research keywords.

Make your keyword selection precise by combining keywords and analyzing search volumes. Keywords clubbed with location will increase the accuracy and give you a larger picture of the target audience.

Using organic keywords is essential in link-building when creating content. Use them optimally and avoid stuffing them unnecessarily. Correct use of keywords makes your content visible to the target customers. In addition, keywords clubbed with good content will prompt users to share your content, providing a link for others.

9. Local link building.

Local link building is the best practice to enhance sales in a local market. It is the most effective link-building strategy for local businesses. It also provides relevancy and link opportunities in the target area. In addition, using SEO tools clubbed with relevant content is a proven way to promote local business.

10. Link building tools.

Link-building tools like Moz link Building and Google webmaster allow you to track targeted websites. It also helps analyze a website’s popularity and link quality. In addition, these free tools are supportive in managing and creating links and tracking traffic from linked websites.

Using ling-building tools like ‘Link Intersect’ helps track the links of your competitor. It allows you to analyze your links and do a mid-course correction to stay in the competition. Ahrefs is another link-building tool designed specifically for SEO. It also provides other features like keyword research, rank tracking, and SEO audits.


Before starting the link-building process, create a workable plan. Research which links work well for your niche and content. There are many link-building approaches, but all may not be effective in SERP. The most effective link-building resources are guest posts, social media, and interactive tools. High-density and low-volume keywords with SEO and great content will help your SERP ranking.

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