How to Rank Higher in Search Engines?

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When it comes to increasing your conversion rates, you have to do some things differently to rank above other sites.

Here are some tips that will be useful when it comes to SEO:

Write Good Titles and Descriptions

When writing titles for search engines, you should make sure that your title is made up of 65 characters or fewer. Even if your headline is very captivating, it will not mean anything when it is cut off for being too long. To create the best titles, follow these tips:

Use keywords – you should front-load your keywords in the title for a higher ranking. Typically, people only scan the first two words of a title, so you should keep it short.

Be clear – the reader needs to know what the article is about in just 65 characters. This means that you need to be clear.

Keep it predictable – your title needs to click-through to a page that the user expects. If you mislead the reader, he/she might never come back to your site again.

Make it emotional – make sure that your title resonates with the user and tugs at his/her heartstrings.

Reduce the Noise on a Page

Good SEO also involves good web design. If you want to rank high in search engine results, you should not ignore web design. Here are some things that you can do to clean up your website and reduce the noise:

Reduce the clutter on the sidebar – although this is meant to increase your conversion rate, it also lowers your bounce rate. Too much clutter on the sidebar drives people away and when search engines start noticing the bounces, they will lower your ranking.

Keep adverts below the fold – you should not shove all your ads to the top of the page. To see how much content the visitors are seeing at first glance, you should use Google’s Browser Size Tool.

Reduce the ad space – people do not like seeing an excessive amount of ads. To get rid of useless ads, check the analytics to see the ads that are performing better and keep two of them.

Add Social Sharing

Most SEO experts will agree that social signals affect the ranking on search result pages. Therefore, if you want to take advantage of social media, follow these tips:

Make your share buttons visible – your share buttons should be positioned in strategic places: bottom or side of the page. You should also consider using a scrolling widget and avoid using too many buttons, as this can be confusing. Ask readers to share – if readers like your content, they should have no problem sharing it with others.

Create a trustworthy brand – nobody wants to share content from a brand that cannot be trusted. You need to focus your energy on creating a presence that others will consider trustworthy.

Write Great Content

Even if you do all the above but forget to write great content, it will all be for nothing. People like reading articles that they find useful. You need to write long blogs that are filled with useful information. If you write a short article that does not really help anyone, visitors will stop coming back to your site.

Ranking above other sites can mean the difference between several thousand impressions and tens of thousands. Therefore, it is important for you to make your site rank high by doing all the above. If you cannot to all this on your own, you should consider getting help. According to one of theΒ SEO companies, when looking for a leading SEO expert, you should make sure that they have been in the business long enough to make a difference.

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