How to Promote Your Product Review Blog?

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Are you thinking of starting a product review blog? I’ve been trying to grow mine for some time now, but the process has been quite frustrating.

Blogging is a wonderful thing; it doesn’t matter if you’re doing it for business or pleasure.

Product Review Blog

From our conversation, I learned various ways on how to quickly grow a product review site that convert visitors in to buyers and start generating revenue. Here are just some of them:

1. Choosing the Right Content Management System is Important

The best thing you can do for your blog is to select the best CMS. I would recommend using WordPress (Self Hosted) as it gives you the control and ownership you need. Besides, it’s also perfect for branding.

2. Make Use of Visual Content Videos

Over the past couple of years, visual content has been on a slow growth path and does not appear to be slowing down. We now have smartphones and tablets which expose us to more video content. Also, sites such as Facebook and Google+ are favoring videos and images over text. So, to attract more people to your blog, you need to start using visual content!

3. Grow a Mailing List

Having an email list means that you get to people’s inboxes anytime. This leads to increased user traffic in your blog and more sales for your client as soon as you start talking about his products. It’s essential to have an email list because it’s not wise to only trust Google for traffic.

4. Think About Your Competition

“The problem is we are not thinking about our competitors,” said Steve. In my opinion, I think this is a huge mistake. Here, almost every article that you post has been previously written. Every product review is talking about the same items as yours.

So, the key thing is doing proper research. Once you come up with attractive and captivating content, the audience will always choose your blog over others. Besides, product manufacturers would be gunning for your services!

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Use Long Content

Long content has been working for many years. Here, Steve mentioned that he had previously written a post on how to sell a mattress. It was 10,000 words! Shockingly, it went viral and grabbed the attention of several other bloggers.

6. It’s Time to Start Spending Money on Promotion

Every day, we see more bloggers promoting their products and posts. The technique is simple, and all you need to do is think of your type of niche. Also, how many competitors do you have? To bypass this kind of domination, just spend a bit of cash in promoting your best reviews. You can even use social media sites like Twitter or Facebook!

7. Make Early Connections

As a blogger, your success largely depends on the alliances that you build along the way. Make relationships with huge bloggers as fast as you can. I’m not just saying that you write guest posts for them. Instead, create genuine friends. They’ll support and give you advice as well as some inside blogging tips.

8. You’ll Need to Have a Clear Blogging Strategy

“Blogging is becoming more scientific as time goes on,” says Steve. Big companies now understand the value of social networking sites and product review blogs. Hence, they’ve been investing money to ensure they get a perfect return on investment.

The implication of this is that you’ll need to have a solid plan that helps you to come up with fantastic blog posts. Also, always remember that content needs to be relevant to your readers.

9. Customize Your Product Review Blog with The Best Designs

Tablets and mobiles are now the main source of website traffic in every corner of the world. So, the theme of your blog should respond well to even those small mobile screens. Keep in mind that people love visiting a site where they can quickly navigate to get the information they require.

10. You Will Become a Prolific Person by Outsourcing

This method will help you in creating more content by giving you enough time to concentrate on the critical projects. Also, it allows you to offer the work to a writer who needs it. You never know, he or she might even be better than you at it!

11. Your Health is a Priority

Avoid sitting for long periods as it’s not good for your general health. Studies are now showing that it leads to early deaths and causes a host of terrible diseases. Steve says,“As soon as you get the chance, go for a jog or hit the gym!” He adds that it’s important to keep your muscles in their best condition.

12. Establish Proper Security Measures

To avoid being a victim of cyber terrorists and other online ‘criminals,’ here’s what you’ll need to do:

  • Keep backups
  • Invest in a good security plugin
  • Keep yourself fully updated on changing trends through research

13. Consider Personal Branding!

As a blogger, you’ll need to get ‘your face’ out their more. Do not only concentrate on the growth of your site but also on yourself as its lead blogger. This boosts trust and allows you to write new articles that do not have a dull brand name.

14. Diversify Your Income!

Changes in income can be at time scary especially if you’re not prepared. So, try to think about diversifying your income so that you can stay afloat when orders dry up. The best thing you could do here is creating a suitable mailing list to launch your affiliate promotions and products.

15. Have Short-Term and Long-Term Projects!

We sometimes concentrate on short-term projects and forget about our long-term goals. Similarly, it’s also discouraging once you realize you’ve been working on a long-term project but have no short-term cash to pay various bills.

So, even though you’re blogging this year, have a clear picture of what you want to do next year. Keep on working on the short-term things as you plan, research and develop future ideas!

16. Make Use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is essential to the success of your blog. However, I found out that it’s been slowly changing especially in product review blogs. Although the best-ranking sites are those that come with backlinks, the most crucial thing is to know your niche limits.

Therefore, if you have a niche with ranking dominated by new results then start looking for fresh content. Avoid throwing redundant links in your main blog if you’re not sure of what you’re doing!

Although there’s a lot you can do to improve the quality of your product review blog, the tips above are just some of the best reasons! I’m sure that they’ll transform your website into a high-traffic and popular blog. If you’re already enjoying the fruits of a successful blog, what more do you think we can do?

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