Effective Blogger Outreach You Must Follow Now

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Online Marketing is a way to promote your business online. This technique, when employed correctly results in the highest rank of a website through organic search results. It even increases the web page visibility thereby raising the traffic for a particular website.

Content Marketing is the leading inbound marketing today. It helps you convey your message through a post or an article.

Blogger Outreach

A blog is a simple and easy medium to create and keep up a regular stream of content. Blog posts are more engaging and encompass more links, thereby attracting more traffic. In turn, it also helps in increasing authority of the site.

Guest Blogging and Blogger Outreach are the methods of reaching influential blogs to enable wider exposure to your product costing. Posting to blogs is a great way to step towards enhancing the reader’s base. Effective Blog Outreach will result in natural links and help build trust among readers of various backgrounds.

People reach out blogs to promote their product, the content, ask for a back link or to simply connect with them.

However, reaching out a blog and writing Content or Article to it is not such an easy task. It involves skill, intelligence, careful planning, and a lot of effort to compose a successful content that attracts the viewers as well as readers. To make it easier, we have compiled few important tips and tricks involved in effective Blog Outreach.

#01. Look Out for the Relevant Blogs

Determine the goal of your blogging so that you outreach the right site for the right purpose. Make a list of all the relevant blogs that are accepting the Guest Posts of your niche. Identify the right blogs through outreach tools. Once you make a prospect list, outreach goes hand in hand.

Make sure the elements of your post match the specifications of target blog. To enhance the purpose, personalize your email with the name of the blog owner to make an outright impression.

#02. Keyword Search

Keywords define the quality of an article.

Search for Guest Posting Opportunities by using certain specific keyword searches that accept Guest Posts. The major searches include: keyword “write for us” / “submit a guest post” / “accepting guest posts”. These searches lead to genuine blogs and sites that you can reach out to.

#03. Outreach the Blogs

Outreach the blogs by contacting them either through the email address provided or by leaving a message. Put your enthusiasm through the outreach. Arrive at the point in the subject line itself.

Outreach emails must be short, simple and to the point. It must show how interested you are for availing the opportunity. Follow certain inspiring email templates to get the reply soon.

However, the secret lies in outreach through template emails that don’t look templated.

Attach a few links of your earlier posts which got published elsewhere, so that the blog owner gets to estimate your potential as a writer. If you don’t hear from a popular blogger within a span of a week, try them once more. If you still don’t hear, then move on.

#04. Research Before Writing / Study Write For Us Section

Once the blog accepts your request and provides a platform for publishing your content, it means you have some new set of potential readers/customers under your sack and you don’t want to disappoint them. Hence, it is time to think about what you want to write.

Until and unless you know the specifications of the blog you are reaching for, it is not preferable to start with the writing. Go through their earlier posts and writings. Summarize the aspects of their content and arrive at a conclusion. Later on, carry with your work.

#05. Structure and Format of the Article

Have a clear picture of the article in your mind. Make sure every post has:

  • Introduction,
  • Body of the Article, and
  • Conclusion.

#06. The Title Says it All…

Title or Headline defines the click-through. Interactive and creative title hook the audience most. Eye-catchy title encourages the readers to read more.

Google gives a lot of importance to the title of articles. Therefore, an effective SEO content must embrace the best keyword phrase in the title of any content. The types of titles include:

  • Post Title: Title viewed by your readers.
  • Meta Title: Title viewed by search engines

If meta title is not specified, search engines consider the post title for indexing.

#07. The Body of the Article

Build your blog audience with smarter content. Content is the king. It is merely proved with the rankings of many popular web pages. Having a good content increases both traffic and SEO rank.

Creative and valuable content help solve the query of the readers. At the same time, content must be interesting, easy to read, quick to understand and appealing to the viewers.

The article could be either entertaining or more valuable. The variety of the context attracts more visitors and help enhance the authority of page among the competitors. Moreover, the raging article attracts a number of link marketers.

#08. Listing of Keywords and Key Phrases

Whoever you might be reaching out and sending your article for publishing, make sure you list out the important texts in your content so that it makes it easy for the publisher to list the meta keywords and focus keywords including Excerpt (if any) for their HTML.

#09. Subheadings

Sub Headings play a major part in engaging the readers. Otherwise, readers feel bored and bounce the page faster.

Many of the web page visitors prefer to skim the content, hence interactive sub headings make a major mark in enhancing the interest of readers. When readers are busy, subheadings are what they look out for to get an overview of the content and ultimately end up finishing the articles staying for a longer period on a particular web page. Subparagraph under these subheadings must be relevant and to the point.

#10. Explore the topics

Explore and try different types of topics the blogs are looking for and get a hand in all kinds of media outreach.

#11. Key Words and Key Phrases

All this while, we have talked about Keywords. Now, let us take a look at its concept in-depth.

Keywords and Key phrases are nothing but the terms used by the users for obtaining the specific information. Spiders register these Keywords to decide the subject of the page and crawl the web pages for the quality content.

While writing a content, put the most important Keywords in the title and subheading. Other similar keywords can be entitled in the first paragraph and most preferably in the first sentence. Keywords are kept in bold or italic, only if it is necessary and suitable.

The best method is to insert keywords in the beginning and at the last as it stands out both in the eyes of readers and the search engines.

Keep in mind that these words cannot be over used, instead, they must be carried naturally in rhythm with the content. Using a number of keywords and phrases is termed as “Keyword Stuffing”. It must be highly avoided as this makes Google crawl less and cut the readability of context.

To achieve traction, accepted keyword density is around 1-3%.

#12. Hyperlinks

You can highlight a certain text in the existing content, termed as “Anchor Text” and insert the corresponding web address to it. This link is nothing but a Hyperlink. These links direct visitors to the relevant content of other pages. All these links must be verified, genuine and natural for easier navigation.

#13. Clean and Errorless Article

Written article must be grammatically correct with zero spelling mistakes. Use certain grammar checker tools to make the work easier.

#14. Long Content and its Organization

Content must be formatted and organized logically. It has been practically proven that search engines give more preference to the content of an in-depth concept that carries around 2000 words.

#15. Edit, Re-Edit until satisfied

Spare time for self-editing. Editing work makes you a Pro in the content you are writing. Correcting the spelling mistakes, carrying the flow of the content in the catchy format are also important things to remember.

#16. Guest Author Bio

Author Bio is the best medium to place self-promotional links back to your site with targeted anchor text.

#17. Promoting the Article

Once your article goes live, don’t be laid back. It’s high time to promote your post.

No matter how beautiful and valuable your content is, it is noticeable only when it reaches out to the readers. Hence, make sure you are advertising your article to your friends and well-wishers and collecting their review on the same. Later on, let the world know about it by sharing the link on social media.

#18. Making Content Shareable

After your article goes live and after you earn the link from a particular site, it is time to promote the content through various social media. This way, your posts get an exposure to a new set of audience. If your content is in front of the right people, it will pick up some nice links easily.

Sharing your article on other sites also adds a great benefit of ranking the content. It gains publicity too. Hence, don’t forget to add share buttons in the content to popularize your post over a range of audience.


Guest Posts must add value to the readers, not mere advertising. It is not just for links, it is because you have something to say that reaches out the readers.

After going through all the above steps, you might be wondering that writing an effective article that goes viral involves huge steps. The whole process might take the time, but trust me, all these tricks pay off in the long run and guarantee you with great results.

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