How to write Google-friendly content?

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SEO-optimized texts are necessary for the proper indexing of the page and site in search engines. Without unique content with keywords, it is impossible to get a large amount of organic traffic. In today’s reality, it is impossible to attract readers to your site or blog with the boring, uninteresting, and robotic SEO text.

Content writing

The content on your site should meet all the requirements of search engines and at the same time be interesting for the reader. No one should see the keywords and understand that this text is written for Google.

How to do this?

There are several ways to write Google-friendly content that will be of interest to anyone using the site. First, let’s define what content is considered search engine friendly.

What is SEO-optimized content?

Search engines index website pages and categorize them in search results primarily by content. Google and other systems determine the uniqueness of the text, its relevance to the topic, the structure and ranking of the site. This is done to ensure that only the most relevant pages with interesting and unique content appear at the top of search results. However, readers and search engines may evaluate the same text differently.

Ranking rules and standards change every year, so the website and blog owners must periodically add and update content. This is done to comply with current indexing rules after Google Panda and Penguin updates.

Search Engine Land identifies several key search engine ranking factors for content on any of the pages on the site:

  • Quality of text writing.
  • The presence of structure with headings and subheadings.
  • The presence of media (images, tables, videos, or infographics).
  • The relevance of the content.
  • Answers to search queries.
  • The presence of relevant keys.
  • Authority (for example, you can use backlinks to authoritative resources to add value to your content).

These 7 search engine ranking factors will help you write Google-friendly content. It is important to understand that in today’s reality, such content must not only be unique, but also interesting to the reader. Search algorithms detect low-quality and machine-generated text. Maybe 15 years ago you could use random text generators with keywords, but now it does not work. Experienced authors with experience in SEO are brought in to write content.

However, there are other factors that impair users’ perception of content and reduce traffic. First, it is the loading speed of the page or the entire site. If you add too many visual elements or graphics to the page, it will load more than 3-4 seconds. Statistically, this pushes away up to 40% of users. Secondly, potential readers can be discouraged by the wrong text title. The title should be short, clear and informative. Headlines with numbers or facts are best.

Before writing quality content for Google, make sure you take all factors into account. You can read even more tips about search engine optimization on the blog.

How to write interesting and Google friendly content?

Google-friendly content should be written on the topic of the key phrase with the presence of LSI words. To collect the semantic core you can use a special service from Google or any other. On average, per 100 words in the text should be one or more keywords with thematic words. The main thing is that the keywords should be inserted into the text organically and unobtrusively for the reader. In addition to keywords, you can use links to other thematic sites with high authority. You may need to buy quality backlinks from one of the special services.

Be sure to create a clear content structure. The article should have a main heading H1, as well as headings H2 and H3. The number of headings depends on the amount of content. Headings should contain keywords because the structure is very strongly ranked by search engines.

Text uniqueness is no less important for search engines. The optimal uniqueness of the text is 80-100%, depending on the topic and the presence of any quotations or technical descriptions. Make sure that you write exactly unique texts. You can use one of the special services to check.

Don’t forget that every Google-friendly text is written for the reader. So use the AIDA rules (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action), start the text with an intriguing paragraph, and gradually reveal the topic. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust the creation of content to an experienced content marketer or SEO author.

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