How to protect your independent online brand during COVID-19?

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With the current situation, many entrepreneurs are struggling to keep their businesses afloat, downsizing staff, and numerous such tough actions.

Read: The Internet is Under Huge Strain Due to Coronavirus Lockdown

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is deadlier than we thought of, it’s asymptomatic, we do not see any symptoms of this virus on the affected individual and he himself may not know about this. As a society, we all have to learn to make the most of this incredibly difficult time by being more creative and resourceful.


Small businesses are vital for a country’s economy and there are a number of ways that you could, as a business owner, implement strategies to engage with your customers and keep your business going.

Safety first – It should be your number 1 priority.

The safety of your employees should be your first priority, so if you haven’t done it yet, make sure everybody is following some health and hygiene precautions.

For example, if one of your employees is feeling unwell, make sure that they rest and take some time away from work, especially if your business is related to food or actual physical products.

Cleaning and sanitizing every piece of equipment should also be on the top of your list to avoid any contamination. Make sure every employee of the company is considering basic safety measures like:

  • Avoid handshaking, better do Namaste wherever needed.
  • Use the alcohol-based sanitizers to clean hands. On a budget, the soap also works.
  • Wear masks. On a budget, even handkerchief or breathable cloth works, just tie it on your face.
  • Listen to safety measures instructed by the government and the world health organization.

Reconnect with your customers.

Social media is a great tool to communicate with your customers. You could start an Instagram page or just give your existing one some TLC; competitions and gifting are also a great idea to gain brand awareness and re-engage with your followers.

Don’t forget to keep the conversations going, answer to your customer’s emails, comments or DMs, it’s important to let them know that you care and are still functioning as a business.

Do Check Out: Is Social Media Marketing Worth Trying to Grow Your Small Business

Use a reliable courier company.

Online businesses are mostly doing OK due to the closure of high-street shops however delivering the goods safely and efficiently can be difficult if you’re not properly prepared. You could use local trusted companies to make sure your customers are getting the best and most efficient services.

Just remember that due to such a pandemic situation, services such as or express delivery or guaranteed delivery may not be available to your customers.

Improve your marketing strategy.

Things are not always bad, this worst time can be best. Now is a good time to start thinking of new and creative marketing campaigns for your brand.

    While it’s important to try to relate to your audience, keeping away from negativity and “virus only” content can really help to stand out from the current news feeds.

    Providing escapism and self-care messages could be a great strategy.

    Keeping your customers informed and engaged during the lockdown is probably the most efficient way you can keep your brand alive.

    You don’t have to have a big marketing budget to do it but advertising and staying connected to people are definitely key factors.

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