How to Find Free Images for Your Blog Posts?

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This is the most common question that How Finding Free Images to Your Blog, many of the bloggers think over this again and again but land up finding nothing. Images in blogging world don’t just simple images; it means high quality images and which should have no copy right issues in it. Three main points which should be kept in mind while uploading an image in your blogs are:

  1. The images should be free.
  2. The quality of the images should be high because it reflects your blot to.
  3. There should be no legal issues when you post it on your blog.

We will see where to look for perfect images but first let us first take a review of what not to do.

Find Free Images

Where Not to Look the Images!

Google Images: For posting the images in your blog please Google images the last option. The main problem is not with the quality of image or the type of image but the main issue is the lack in license and copyright issues occur. Many times is hard to verify the license of many images so while posting it may become a big hindrance. In straight words – Uploading any image from Google Images is just simply asking for trouble.

So, now the question arises again that where to find FREE, CERTIFIED and HIGH QUALITY IMAGES for our blogs. Here’s a list of place where this problem will be solved:

Images for Your Posts’ Headers

Header images have become quite popular now days. Header image is basically the images which you put at the top of the post which is also related to the content of the post giving it a unique look and different from standard post from other bloggers. To get these images trouble free you can look up in these two sites:


Quality Real Life Images

Under this segment of photos the images should be uploaded by skilled photographers. These types of images are mainly uses to focus on the content of the blog. For these type of images you cas look up in the following:

  1. My Stock
  2. Travel Coffee Book

Images of People Doing Different Stuff

Landscapes not always work, at that time you need people. These images can be used to make the blog personal, or to show the given work completed or many occasions at times. It is also one of the most attracting things that seek many people to see at your blogs. You can find these images in:

  1. Gratisography
  3. Startup stock photos

Old School and Retro Images

Always it is said that old-school is the best-school of all times. There can be a multiple reasons for using these kinds of images in your blogs. These images can easily work in all categories like it goes very well when used in headers, goes very describing when used in the main content and it can also be used in the sales page. The best old school images can be searched on:

  • New Old Stock

A Full Searchable Database of Different Collection of Images

Sometimes you need to get the images of dogs, boats, waterfalls etc…searching these on any ordinary site will be quite time consuming for the users, you need to have a big and organized database for these categories of images, where you are enabled to search in different categories and easily you are provided with high quality and trouble free image to be a part of your blog. So here are some selected sites for this category:

  1. Pexels
  2. Pixabay

By keeping all these points in mind and following them, you will be able to Find Free Images For Your Blog and make your blog more attractive and catchy.

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