Digital marketing strategies to generate leads

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Conducting business is futile if you do not have prospective customers. Your marketing journey begins with driving organic traffic to your webpage, converting it into leads, and eventually into customers for the long run.

For any brand, it is essential to invest in product development and there is no denying the fact. However, even the best of the product is going to fail if nobody knows about it in the first place. Simply put, they lack the skills to generate high-quality leads, even if their product stands at par with competitors.

Research states that 88% of the customers search for the products online before they make the purchasing decision. Therefore, the marketer needs to develop a marketing strategy that provides value-based research to potential buyers so that businesses not only generate traffic but also lead.

Not only should you have an online presence but a stellar digital marketing strategy to build a relationship with those individuals who might accompany you to the end of the sales marketing funnel, increasing your revenues.

Generate Leads

If you don’t want to fail after investing heavily in your marketing strategy, follow these 6 immaculate lead generation tactics.

1. Create irresistible landing pages.

Landing pages have proven their worth over the years. It is one of the most favorite options of digital marketers when it comes to lead generation.

The success of a landing page depends upon how well it is designed. Here are a few things you should consider while creating a landing page:

  • Keep your sign up form as short as possible. Don’t demand unnecessary information which is of no use to you. The average number of form fields is 11 but reducing the number to 4 can surge the conversion rate to 120 percent.

    Sign Up Now
  • Use high-quality visuals. Using videos can increase conversion rate up to 86 percent. Make sure the visuals are relatable. Shopify, for instance, knows how to incorporate visuals in the landing page and make the whole experience excellent.
  • Avoid using too many navigations as they distract the attention from the real message.
  • Ensure the high visibility of your CTA. Overusing similar colors can put your CTA on the back-burner. It is recommended to use a distinctive color for CTA which has not been used anywhere in the background.
  • Every potential industry is getting more traffic mobiles compared to desktop computers. There is no way you can miss out making mobile responsive landing pages. Mobile optimization becomes even more important when you are specifically targeting millennials. It is only because of the mobile optimization that Starbucks has crossed 16.3 million mobile users which is the major portion of their target users.
Mobile and Social Adoption

The above graph clearly shows that millennials (who born between 1981 to 1996) are using mobiles more than any other segment of the population.

2. Indulge in comment marketing.

There are customers yearning for help but can’t find anyone to assist them with the products or service. All you have to do is give them solemn advice and they will immediately turn into your potential leads without any hesitation.

You will see such people in the comment section of blogs. 7.5 million spam comments are detected every hour if you think that comment marketing is dead, that’s not true.

Yes, people come across spam comments but they can identify fake marketers from among the genuine ones. The point being, comment marketing is still alive and can bring you tons of leads if you stick to the following rules:

  • Begin searching for blogs with the same niche as yours. There is no point in offering solutions to people who don’t need them in the first place.
  • Choose the quality sites to comment. It is very important for you to pick and choose when it comes to leaving a comment because Google could penalize you for overdoing this activity. The best metric to judge a website’s popularity is the SEO search results. Other than that, social media following can also indicate a website’s authenticity.
  • Leaving the comment is not enough. You have to address the queries of the people in the comment section. Convey to them in every possible way that you are genuinely interested in their problem. That’s one way to win their confidence.

3. Guest blogging.

Brand awareness is the key to generating leads. You may have your own website and social media accounts to promote your brand but to survive the cut-throat competition, you must go the extra mile. Guest blogging could do the job in this regard.

A case study shows that people can double or triple their readership with the help of quality guest blogs. With the help of a content upgrade software, you can update your content on a regular basis so people would love to read your blogs to achieve the latest information about trendy topics. When guest blogging is done on credible websites, it adds trust to your name. Customers will consider you an expert in your field.

Moreover, guest blogging improves link building which keeps pushing your SEO ranking upward. Both these factors result in more audiences and, as a result, you improve your chances of gaining more leads.

4. Get yourself rolling on social media.

Businesses who once said “who would buy a product with just a tweet” are now dominating the world of social media. There cannot be any exaggeration in the claim that social media has revolutionized the world of marketing.

With 2.77 billion active users, social media has become one of the most powerful mediums for marketing. No matter what services or products you offer, there is no dearth of the relevant audience there. For instance, you can take a leaf out of Nike’s social media strategy.

Consider the following tried and trusted tricks to generate leads through social media:

Pick the Right Channel: With millions of people being hyperactive on social media, many businesses are tempted to use all the social media platforms.

It sounds a good strategy but only from the surface. People who use Facebook have different purpose and mindset than those on Twitter. You must decide beforehand what kind of people would make out to be a great audience for your product.

Share Gated Content: Gated content is the hidden content which users can only see once they provide required details.

There are millions of social media users who are dying to read quality substance. If your content is really worth it, people will have no problem sharing contact details. There are different kinds of gated content with white papers attracting the majority of the readers.

Using Social Media Tactics to Generate Leads

Run Contests: Contests are all over the place on social media. People can’t resist contests.

Provided, they must be really good. Since there are so many contests going on, people only engage in the best ones. Just focus more on engaging contests rather than long contests.

Work with Social Media Influencers: It is a relatively new digital marketing strategy but due to its tremendous ROI, collaborating with influencers is becoming a norm.

Influencers have a tremendous grip on their followers. Their word-of-mouth leaves a great impact on them. While hiring an influencer, don’t be trapped for the number of followers rather go for someone who is considered as an authority in your niche.

5. Get on top of email marketing.

The popular assumption might force you to think that email marketing has lost its luster. But this is the half-truth. If it was true, nearly 90 billion emails would not be sent around the world for business purposes on a regular basis.

It proves that the emails are as effective today as they were before the inception of social media. In fact, with the automation tools coming into play, emails have become more lethal to generate leads. Consider the following tips to make the most of emails:

  • Work on the subject lines; they play an important role in getting an email opened. Collect the data to make the subject line as personalized as possible. The data would also help you to automate the emails at the times when they are more likely to be read.
  • Don’t come up with more than three offers in a single email. Giving too many options to the readers would minimize the chances of getting a lead.
  • Statistically speaking, more than 60 percent of the emails are opened on mobile phones. It makes mobile optimization a must if you are to enhance quality leads.

It is better to link your email directly to the landing page instead of the website. It keeps the consumer on the track.

6. Integrate chatbots into your business strategy.

With the emergence of artificial intelligence, chatbots are probably the best thing happened to the business world in the recent past. Due to their amazing utility, they are being dubbed as the future of digital marketing.

Here is how chat bots can help you to generate leads:

  • Welcome every new and returning visitor. Ask them to leave their email so that you can contact him later for an important announcement or offer.
  • Bounce rate is the biggest hurdle in lead generation. Program your chatbot to pop up when somebody abandons a cart. Inquire about the reasons for this action. You can keep the bounce rate at a bare minimum following this tactic.
  • Probably the best time to generate a lead is when someone is reading a blog on your site. Without a doubt, that’s an optimal time to engage with a customer.

These digital marketing strategies are too effective to generate limitless leads, all you need to do is try, research, and make your own ways to achieve success.

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