It’s all about making people want to know you

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There are over half a million recognizable brands in the world. The truth is that your newly launched business doesn’t have the necessary funds to compete against brands that are long established in the audience’s mind and routine.

More importantly, even if you have the budget to start an advertising campaign in your local area, there is no guarantee that you will succeed. Indeed, the modern consumer is marketing-savvy; people don’t buy your products because they see your name on a billboard. You need to convince them that your brand has the answers to their questions.

How do you convince people who don’t know you yet that you’re the right brand for them?

Answer: You tap into basic psychology lessons. Indeed, the best way to get people to follow your lead is to let them believe that it was their idea in the first place.


In other words, instead of pushing your brand’s name out, you want to create a campaign that raises curiosity and interest. Make people want to know you is by far the most effective way of making a remarkable entrance in the market.

Create something they care about.

The quickest way to gain your audience’s attention is to talk about something they genuinely care about. That’s precisely what your blog is for. In there, you can discuss the latest trends in your niche market, your professional opinions, or even tips and tricks for people who need your products. There is no noticeable brand without a successful blog presence.

However, blogging in 2019 has moved away from the click-bait activities of the late 1990s.

If you want your blog to attract organic visits, you need to energize it into the 21st century. Indeed, people spend a lot of time on their mobile and laptops, but that doesn’t mean they consume more written content only.

On the contrary, videos have become the most popular approach to get your message across. Turn your blog into a vlog or offer visual snapshots alongside written content.

Stand out from the crowd.

Trade shows, networking events, and open-air exhibitions are a fantastic playground for new brands. You can catch visitors’ attention with a vibrant and meaningful stand decor.

Indeed, don’t assume that securing a stand is going to be enough to approach potential customers. You need a message that drives people to you; you need to make an impact from the start. Getting noticed at a trade show event doesn’t happen by chance.

Hold an exciting conference.

Everybody loves a knowledgeable brand that is ready to share and teach.

Annual conferences, as a part of a networking event or organized by your local business center, can be a positive experience for a new brand.

You need to be smart about pitching your theme; avoid a generic subject that everybody knows about. Instead, find something that can differentiate your conference from others. Offer something unexpected but means that people will want to hear.

Your work as a speaker starts by walking a mile in your audience’s shoes. Get to understand what they care about, and then connect it to your location or your venue.

Make the news.

Big brands don’t have a monopoly on publicity. While PR for small businesses can seem a little tricky at first – you don’t have the budget to open journalistic doors –, you can get your name into the local media without breaking the bank.

Everybody loves a good story, and people love to hear your good news in a world where the actualities can be a little gloomy.

So why not share some of the most memorable stories from your customers? Did a married couple meet through your company? Have you transformed the life of an unlucky individual?

Whatever it is, the good news is appealing and boost your brand profile.

Leverage influencers.

You don’t need to talk about your brand. You can get someone your audience trusts to do it for you. Influencers are especially useful in raising brand awareness.

Working with a local influencer can be not only a cost-effective campaign but, if you follow the R.I.S.E. principles, a successful operation too. R.I.S.E. stands for Results, Integrity, Strategy and Engagement, and is at the heart of your work with influencers. Being one small brand among many national and international companies in an awkward position. You can’t compete for the market’s attention.

However, you can establish your presence in such a way that people want to know more about you, because you share your expertise, make yourself relevant, and more importantly are mentioned by journalists and influencers as a noticeable trend-setter.

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