Successful Blog Writing Tips: A Bookmarkable Formula

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Grab a cup ‘o Joe, boot up your computer and let’s knock out that first article for your new blog. Since you are starting out new, we want to ensure that you do not start “bad blogging habits” because if you do, they can be hard to break.

Are you ready to get started? Let’s do this!

When  starting an article keep in mind the following of who you are writing the blog content for:

  • Your visitors
  • Search engines
  • Your bank account, i.e., monetization
  • You, obviously 8-)

Tips for Successful Blog Writing

With above in mind, there are several factors you need to keep in mind for each person you are writing for such as:

1. Have a Great Title

Have a Great Title

You need a catchy title to engage the visitors you already have but also attract new visitors who are searching for an article like yours. Whether a potential visitor finds you in Google, a bookmarking site or on someone else’s site, your title is the power of whether or not someone visits your site. Your title should:

  • Be simple (remember the KISS method) — yet it should:
  • Grab the attention of your potential reader and make them WANT to read your article.

Using the graphic below (I Googled “funny stories”) which article would you click to read?

For me, I think #7 would be my top pick and #4 would be my last. Do you see the difference and how it impacted my decision to select the article I wish to read?

2. Write for a Purpose

What is the intent of the article – is it to entertain, inform or stir a debate? With the purpose in mind then you will be able to develop your blog content. Your article should 300 – 1000 words and anything over that may need to be trimmed. This is a good length for your readers, for the search engines and you!

Between that, there is one important point that is highly estimated for ranking by the search engines. It’s the unique content, otherwise, if you place duplicated or already published content you will obviously be faced with the drop in your ranking and traffic rate. To write the content yourself or order the articles in the copywriters, but don’t miss to check it via SEO plagiarism checker.

3. Breaking Up the Content

Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Sometimes reading a long article is a daunting task for your visitors. Consider either breaking your blog content into part 1 and part 2 or use some of these tips to make the article easier to read. (Yes, this article is a bit wordy but do as I suggest and not what I do! LOL)

Graphics and photos are a great way to break up text to make it visually easier for your visitors to read. It can be a photo, a funny graphic or just a text image you have created yourself.

Bullets or a list are HIGHLY recommended to use when you can because they are scannable. They are either key points are relevant information you are pulling together to highlight to your readers.

Readers can comprehend more when they see the article in a list rather than long paragraphs of text. It is also easier for you as a writer to move onto your next point without an awkward transition.

If you have a very lengthy content then use the Table of Contents (TOS) feature, it would be a better idea which will help search engines as well as users to navigate through the content.

4. Add Call to Action if Needed

A call to action, or a CTA, is something you ask your visitor to do. While not needed in every article, sometimes a call to action is appropriate, and examples are:

  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Follow me on Facebook
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Sign up for my RSS feed
  • Or how about … buy this product I just wrote about

5. Be Ready for Monetization

Monetizing your posts can be hard sometimes and don’t feel that you have to monetize each one. This is something that we will go more in-depth with you in the future.

Related: How to Increase AdSense CPC? 10 Proven Techniques

6. Add Some Personal Touches

This can be your photo and signature or just your signature alone. If you need something created for your site, let us know, and we will make it and code it to the right place within your article.

A PS is a fun thing to leave behind too. You can use a PS to wrap up the article highlighting your points or even use it as your last call to action, i.e., “don’t forget to follow me on Facebook.”

To sum up everything, this is how we can breakdown the whole content idea and write blog posts.

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