Reasons Not to Invite Investors Back to Your Home Office

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There’s nothing unusual about home-based businesses anymore.

More people than ever are now operating this way. In large part, that’s thanks to the capabilities of online operations.

Anyone can now sit in their home office and build a business through blogging. It’s now even possible to start an online store without going any further than your local post office.

The only downside to doing business this way is the practicality of working with outside companies. Investors and big business deals are as crucial now as they ever have been.

Sadly, big companies are often reluctant to work with home-based start-ups. When you work from home, after all, you’re an unknown entity. There are limitations on your capabilities, and they’re all too apparent.

Of course, if your idea is good enough, even that won’t stop you from securing meetings. Then, you face the question on how best to host said meetings?

Home Office

An obvious choice would be to invite investors to your home office. That’s your ‘business base’, as it were. But, there are some pressing reasons why that might not be a great idea. Keep reading to find out what they are.

You Risk Looking Unprofessional

Hosting meetings at home can leave you looking unprofessional. An investor will hardly want to part with cash after walking through the kitchen where your family eat.

Even if your office is separate, walking through your family garden could be off-putting. By comparison, hiring a meeting space can paint you in a better light.

This would provide a familiar and professional setting with which you can impress. That alone could increase your chances of sealing a deal. At the very least, it ensures little Ron doesn’t wander in during your big moment.

You Could Make Yourself Hard to Find

Meeting rooms like those mentioned above have the benefit of being in desirable and accessible locations.

The same probably can’t be said for your family home.

But, if investors have to go on a hunt to find you, then, they may not bother. Instead, ensure you’re as easy to find as possible by arranging a meeting space which is central and close to a train station.

You May Need to Spend a Fortune with no Return

At this stage, you’ve secure no profit or financial backing. As such, you shouldn’t need to spend an excessive amount on this. But, if you host from home, that’s precisely what you’ll do.

The chances are that you’d need to stock up on an interactive whiteboard. In most cases, you’d also need to invest in a meeting table and chairs.

Before you know, even securing a deal here won’t bring you any profits. When you hire a meeting space, though, you’ll find that these things are already available to you.

Even the cost of the rental will be nothing compared to what you would pay otherwise.

So, think twice before handing out your home office. It could cost you.

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