How to stay anonymous online? Here’s how you can do it!

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Millions of internet users are actively seeking protection from online threats and for a good reason. The rising numbers of cyber attacks and security breaches have got people concerned about their privacy on social media and the internet in general.

Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms encourage users to share personal details, such as their plans and location statuses. With so much data being thrown around, it has never been easier for hackers to follow up and steal sensitive information.


To ensure your data and devices are safe, learn how to stay anonymous online and avoid security threats. Read the following tips one by one.

1. Adjust the browser’s privacy settings.

Many people don’t know that the browser they’re using could be a potential security threat. A lot of sensitive information, like browsing history, cookies, passwords, and credentials, is stored within the browser of your device.

Hackers can easily target browsers and extensions to get their hands on people’s usernames, passwords, and credit card information. To avoid this security issue, users can adjust their browser’s privacy settings and ensure they are safer online.

It is recommended to limit the amount of information that the browser has access to.

For example, turning off the automatic password-storing feature can reduce the risks of stolen passwords and credentials. To do this, go to the settings menu within the browser and turn off “automatic password storage.” On top of that, try to use the incognito window whenever you’re dealing with sensitive data.

2. Use a VPN.

A VPN or virtual private network is one of the best solutions for users who want to achieve anonymity online. However, it is crucial to avoid free VPN services because they usually log and sell users’ data. For a service to be free, it needs to be able to cover its expenses in one way or the other. In this case, free VPN providers often sell users’ data to advertisers to make the money they need.

Therefore, it is recommended to invest in a reliable virtual private network service to ensure anonymity and privacy online. The most popular VPN providers offer a money-back guarantee so you can try it out without any risk. A VPN encrypts all data and traffic so that third parties have absolutely no way of accessing it. Besides data encryption, a VPN service can change a user’s location to ensure even more privacy.

3. Look into anonymous browsers.

Even though they are not as popular, there are many anonymous browsers online that allow users to search the web privately. Search engines such as DuckDuckGo are a great way to stay off the grid while you search the internet. This particular search engine doesn’t record any data that could potentially be exploited.

There are many other anonymous browsers available for free. Even popular browsers such as Firefox are taking steps toward better digital privacy. Besides using anonymous browsers, users can take advantage of free browser add-ons to block ads on different websites and thus reduce the risk of a security threat.

4. Stay away from spam and fake sites.

The internet is full of spam and fake websites designed to steal users’ data. One of the reasons why it is recommended to stay anonymous is to avoid becoming the next victim of common cybersecurity attacks.

However, it is difficult to stay off the grid if everyone on the internet knows your email. Exposing your email address can drive a lot of spam to your inbox.

Users who don’t have much experience dealing with spam and cybersecurity won’t be able to recognize the potential threats when they encounter them. Therefore, users should keep their email addresses hidden and restrain from signing up on websites they come across online. It is also recommended to avoid clicking on any links or attachments received in emails, as these tend to be infected with malware.

5. Hide your IP.

Most people on the internet have a dynamic IP address that dozens of other users share. However, users can improve their online privacy by switching to a dedicated IP that only belongs to them.

Dedicated IPs are not shared among different users, which makes them more secure. Besides more security, other benefits of switching to a dedicated IP include larger bandwidth and better performance. People who use a dedicated IP can take advantage of all the server’s resources, as they don’t have to share bandwidth with others.


One of the best ways to stay away from potential security threats is to use the internet completely anonymously. Users who encrypt their data and traffic by using VPNs and hide their IP addresses by switching to dedicated ones are less likely going to face security challenges. On the other hand, leaving your data exposed on the internet can lead to several threats, from data breaches to identity theft.

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