You have certainly faced the problem of how to promote your apps. How great your product can be, it won’t bring organic traffic without marketing.
There are many methods to make your apps visible to the audience. The one that we want to tell you about is the promotion by search keywords or terms.
What are search keywords?
Search keywords, or search terms are like most searched words online.

For example, users who look for a chess game will search for “free chess”, “online chess”, “play chess online”, or “online multiplayer chess”. By optimizing your app for these search keywords you’ll able to capture most attention for your apps.
What is keywords promotion?

Your application can be in the search results by a particular search input. For that, you should order motivated installations by this search request.
As you know, users tend to scroll top 10 results at best, let the user be on Google or any other search engine like app store, play store.
To attract organic users, your apps have to be at the top. And promotion by keywords could help you to improve your rank. How does it work?
You select keywords that are relevant and buy installs for them. Incentive users enter these keywords in the search field, find your application, and download it.
Then, they simulate in-app activity and keep it on their phones for some time. After a couple of days, they can open your application one more time to ensure retention.
The algorithm tracks these actions and recalculates your rank. If everything is done right, you can significantly enhance your position after a couple of weeks.
However, you should take into account several aspects that define your success.
How to promote your apps effectively?
Promotion by keywords differs from the other marketing types.
For instance, using Google Ads, you get immediate impressions. Having stopped a campaign, you’re not visible anymore. It’s completely different in promotion by motivated installations. The main goal is to make you visible in the long run.
For that, you should plan and conduct a campaign reasonably. How to do it?
Start with picking up keywords. Create a keywords cloud with all possible search inputs. Write down words and phrases that users may type to search for your application. The most important thing is to find a core.
It’s the word that describes your product in the best way. If it’s a racing game, it could be race, car, etc. Having found a core, you can combine it with many other words to enlarge your keyword cloud. You aim to find as many variants as possible.
Alternatively, you can contact an ASO (App Store Optimization) manager who will make keyword research for you. Apart from creating keywords yourself, you can analyze your competitors. Find similar apps and look through their titles and descriptions. Optimized apps use the most relevant keywords there.
The next step is sorting out your search requests. For that, check their relevance manually. Enter your keywords in the search field one by one and analyze apps in the rank. If they offer the same functions as yours, a keyword is relevant.
By doing that, you can also add some more phrases to your cloud. Auto suggestions of the search will help you.
How to plan a promotion?
If you’re equipped with appropriate keywords, it’s time to make a draft of your promotion. You may suppose that using the most popular search requests is the best way. But this is a common mistake. When your application isn’t in the index, it will be impossible to reach a top position by popular search inputs.
You should start your campaign with less competitive keywords. Choose at least 4–5 keywords that consist of 4 words or more. Launch a campaign with 10-15 installs and wait a couple of days till your application gets to the index.
After that, you can track the dynamic in the console and choose the best keywords for further promotion. Besides, as an expert will be more helpful, you can address a manager of to get a personalized marketing plan.
As you’ve understood, promotion by keywords has its particularities. If you are aware of them, your campaign will be effective and have lasting results.
Let’s summarize them.
Users make motivated or incentive installs by particular keywords from your keywords cloud. You can formulate keywords in such ways: find a core and add extra words; analyze your competitors; use auto-suggestions of the search. It’s a must to check the relevance by entering them in the search field. Apps in the rank should be similar to yours. Use less competitive keywords. They consist of 4 or more words and will help you to get to the index. Start an initial campaign with 10-15 installs.
We hope that you have got a basic idea of how to promote your apps and wish you crowds of organic users! Good luck.
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