Building Blogging Credibility the Right Way!

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With tons of blogs available with just one click, it gets difficult to outshine. You might think that only comprehensive writing skills are good enough to attract readers but the fact is that your polished writing skills will do only half the work. Until and unless readers believe in what you have to say, the blog would not be a hit among them. Building credibility in your blog will help you have loyal and returning visitors. But the question is how do we do that? Here are a few tips that will help you earn blogging credibility in simple ways:

Building Blogging Credibility
Building Blogging Credibility

Choose a topic you are well informed of

The problem with the web readers is that they take only a few seconds to decide that whether they should go on reading or switch to another page, therefore it is of utmost importance to choose a topic that is well researched. Selecting a subject you are passionate about or you have experienced it yourself, will always result in crisp, engaging, and authentic blog articles.

Reveal the sources

Blogging needs the usage of images, videos, web content, and other links to sum up the information you are providing in your blog. The best way to make readers believe that whatever you have stated is present in the wide world will always garner credibility. For instance, you write about the top ten business magazines in the world and share the links of these magazine websites, it will prove that you have not cooked up the story on your own but following and adding to someone’s work. This will result in the trustworthiness of your blog.

Be consistent

You kick-started the blogging trend with some amazing blogs about some hot topics and in few days you disappeared like a ghost. This has been the major issue with bloggers resulting in blog failures. If you have started something, commit to writing regularly so that readers get a hint that you aren’t doing this just for fun or money but because you are passionate about it. If you are a consistent writer then slowly and steadily you will gain credibility from the readers.

Do not make it one sided

Blogs are turning into big social connect where people from all spheres of the world share opinions and interact with each other. Always asks for opinions and suggestions at the end of your blog this will make your blog a more interactive platform. If you get a response from the avid readers to make sure you thank them, answer questions, and welcome suggestions and improve accordingly. This will help in making readers believe that you are here to interact and not just to brag about your own things.

Share your profile

Once readers like any of your blog they would be curious to know your whereabouts. Always have an ‘About’ column in the blog that discloses general yet crucial information about yourself. This will make readers easy to reach and connect to you. For instance, if you are a nutritionist and a food blogger, make sure you tell the readers that you are a nutritionist first and then a blogger, this will attract readers as they will believe something said by a health nutritionist more than any random food blogger.

Dos and don’ts

  • Do thorough research before writing on any topic.
  • Don’t state any fake facts and figures. If readers crosscheck and found it to be fake it will cost heavily on your blog’s credibility.
  • Do follow current affairs and a check on keywords to know what people are searching for.
  • Don’t make personnel or derogatory comments on any religion, nationality, or anything that could hurt the reader’s sentiments.
  • Do a proofread of the write up before publishing it on the internet.
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