Why do you need to use management apps to track your employees’ productivity?

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Every company’s greatest assets are the employees and workers because they provide a competitive advantage to the organization.

It’s the reason why you’d want not only to attract the best workers but also retain them through encouragement, providing them a stimulus to perform efficiently, and making them feel and realize that they’re an integral part of your business.

The problem is that it’s often understandably difficult for business owners, supervisors, and managers to give their employees the much-needed time and attention, as well as the encouragement and push that they all deserve.


It’s especially true under piles of meetings, appointments, and workloads.

One of the most straightforward solutions for this problem is to use management apps. These are tools that will let you manage the tasks of your workers, as well as effectively communicate with them. Apps like biometric time clocks can even help in tracking your employees’ working hours and overall efficiency.

These applications are helpful, especially when meeting deadlines since you’ll know what’s next in line, and you can keep track of your priorities.

Also, management apps can provide a better onboarding experience for your new employees, streamline team communication, and boost engagement. All of these benefits when combined will lead to a more productive workforce.

If you’re still on the fence about whether management apps should have a place in your company or not, take a more detailed look at the reasons why you need to use management apps to track your employees’ productivity below.

Easy on-boarding of employees.

As you probably already know, employees need to get well-trained from the start so they won’t have problems picking up vital skills that they will need for their job.

The problem is that not all companies are capable of providing sufficient training to their employees. It’s understandable since the whole onboarding process comes with steep costs. But, of course, it isn’t a good thing because employees become unprepared and disoriented as they begin their jobs.

Without proper training and onboarding, the adverse effects on the productivity and efficiency of employees will surface several months later. If, however, employees get trained and appropriately onboarded, companies can enjoy high levels of efficiency. It’s the very reason why your company should have a place for management apps.

A task management application, for example, lets you, your supervisors, or managers create or upload courses and materials for training your new hires at a low cost.

Do you know what’s best with using a management app to train and onboard your new hires? You’ll have the chance to distribute all the resources to their smartphones so they can easily access everything and learn quickly.

You also have the option to test them for job readiness. The use of management apps is a more strategic approach to training and onboarding your employees, and as an executive, you’re able to set up your workers for success that way.

Makes communication with your staff smoother.

Aside from easy and more effective training and onboarding, management apps also allow for smoother employee communication.

As a business owner, supervisor, or manager, you can send different types of messages – from push notifications, texts, to even videos. And guess what? You can even communicate with your staff through their smartphones!

Important announcements and assignments can easily and quickly get shared with the entire team this way. Of course, it will also let your employees keep better track of all essential assignments, announcements, and other work-related information since everything stays collected on one dedicated work application. It will prevent the hassle of having messages that get lost in overflowing inboxes.

Management apps can aggregate all messages within the workplace to help your employees stay focused and organized. If they’re all on the same page, they can collaborate more effectively and improve their productivity.

Better goal setting for motivating employees.

Employee management apps can also make it easier for business owners, supervisors, and managers to remind their employees of their short-term work-related goals.

Happy Employees
Happy Employees

As you know, goals are essential as they drive your workers to develop skills and meet deadlines. The act of setting goals for your employees is also a better way of motivating them to work hard since they’ll have the chance to work more independently without the feeling of being micromanaged.

Effective lead management.

Another beneficial function of management apps is a more effective organization and management of leads by organizational heads as well as employees.

Through management apps, you can effectively consolidate your leads and arrange them based on priority. Of course, more effective lead management results in soaring productivity. For you and your employees to manage leads properly, you have to nurture them and follow up with them from time to time – these are possible with the help of a management application.

When it comes to hitting daily targets for sales of products and services, efficient lead management can be very useful for your company. It will also work wonders for your employees, especially if they have KPIs to meet.

No doubt, lead management is crucial and should be one of the main focuses of your company if you want to level up brand awareness as well as customer retention.

Your employees can help you achieve that when you arm your workplace with a management app.

Quick delegation and automation of tasks.

Management apps also have the power to accelerate work by giving you the chance to track and manage your entire team’s tasks centrally. It will save you time than having to go through each team member’s to-do list manually.

When using management apps, you can also ensure that work moves along on time by automating different workflows such as approval requests, due-date reminders, and project plans.

Management apps will also let you assign your employees to specific tasks and set up notifications for them, so they get automatically informed of their current assignments, milestones, as well as deadlines.

It, of course, will help projects to move forward without having to take so much time from the project manager or team lead to go through the different pieces of a project.

It frees up time for everyone – the business owner, supervisor, manager, and especially employees. If you still think that working for longer hours is a sign of productivity, then you’re letting yourself believe in one of the common productivity myths out there.

Give your employees the chance to become more productive versions of themselves, free up some of their time by encouraging them to work smartly.

Effective time management.

When speaking about productivity, efficient management of time and work priorities will always be the top topic. That said, a balance between the work you do and the time and resources you allocate for each task should be the primary goal. It’s where time management becomes crucial not only for project managers but also for employees.

A management app with a time-tracking functionality will help in keeping the productivity levels in a company high. It’s possible since every workday, a time-tracking application will help in organizing the work schedule effectively and prioritizing tasks. A time management app will also ensure the proper execution of work priorities by providing regular notifications for every task completed.

Better employee time tracking.

When a company places expectations on employees, and a project manager monitors them after setting up goals, they tend to perform at their best. That’s why if a company or organization wants to continue progressing, it has to implement employee time monitoring. The good news is that there are now management applications that provide an excellent form of an employee time tracking system. A friendly employee time monitoring system goes a long way in motivating workers always to put their best efforts moving forward, helping a company grow directly or indirectly.

More creative delivery of performance review.

Neither employees nor managers look forward to the day when performance reviews have to come out. It’s often an annual event that makes every employee feel like someone who’s a school kid receiving a report card. Employees dread annual performance reviews, and there’s no about it. It’s the reason why when feedback is provided, they’re less likely to respond positively.

However, feedback delivery is still a crucial part of every company. It, of course, reminds employees who underperformed to perform better. It also praises those who performed well and encourages them to stay on track.

The good news is that there are now management apps that will allow business owners, supervisors, and managers to control how frequently performance reviews get delivered. It also gives them options as to the format they’d prefer to provide feedback to workers. Yes, you heard it right; instead of using the traditional performance appraisal reports, managers can use messaging systems and configurable dashboards.

Such innovations will result in feedback that’s efficient, constructive, and one that flows better with the culture of the company.

Final thoughts.

The use of management apps to track employee productivity brings many benefits to the table. But the most important of them is that it helps build better relationships between managers and employees.

Managers and employees often develop stress, anxiety, and pressure between each other. All of these things can get taken away by a management application.

It allows for low-stress communication and helps everyone work hand in hand towards meeting the goals of the organization.

Management apps can indeed create a frictionless working environment, one that gives a chance for employees and managers alike to grow and perform better.

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