What are Premium Domain Names?

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The domain I want is too expensive, why is so?

While searching for domains on any registrar, we often listen to the term “Premium Domain Names”; what are they?

Premium Domains are nothing but a marketing term coined by domain registrars who sell an easy to remember domain names or domain with famous keywords on premium rates because most of us rush to it first.


In real all the domains are same, no matter what the domain is or belongs to which company. But various domain registrars and marketing guys keep an eye on such domains. Once a famous domain name gets expired and available to book again they take it over and sell them on premium rates. This is how it becomes a Premium Domain.

Here is a list of the world’s most expensive domain names ever sold.

Domain NamesSold in
Internet.com$18 million
360.com$17 million
Insure.com$16 million
Bankaholic.com$15 million
Sex.com$13 million

Now anyone can question – why are premium domains so expensive?

So read ahead and know some of the advantages of it.

What are the Advantages of Premium Domains?

  • Easy to remember; thus it becomes easy to market it.
  • People easily get to know the brand name due to its simplicity.
  • It carries some lost traffic (Dead Traffic) by the previous owner.
  • Users may search for the exact search term.
  • The domain will be in authority, so chances of raking are high.
  • No marketing needed or small budget is enough.
  • It may be on Google News or listed on famous sites.
  • It can carry a Good amount of backlinks.

These are the benefits of Premium Domain Names.

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