How to start a successful YouTube channel?

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Are you thinking of ways you can start a successful YouTube channel? Maybe this is something you’ve been thinking about for a while, but you’re unsure as to whether this will work out well for you.

There are always opportunities for people who want to make content, and there’s room for different channels and different types of content on platforms like YouTube.

YouTube is the largest video sharing site, and for those who make regular videos and manage to build up a following, it can even be a source of income. While making money from this can be difficult, especially at first (and isn’t the main reason you should do it), it’s definitely worth giving it a go if it’s something that calls to you.

Below, we have everything you need to know about starting a successful YouTube channel.


Take a look and you’ll have a good idea of what it takes to get started, keep going, and feel satisfied with your new endeavor.

01. Be specific about the audience you want to reach, this is your very first action.

If you’re going to start a successful YouTube channel, you need to do some brainstorming and research beforehand. One of the first things you need to figure out is the audience that you’d like to reach. You should have a very good idea of who your audience is and how you want to help them before you proceed.

Ask yourself questions, such as:

  • How old is my audience?
  • What does my audience do for a living?
  • Why will my audience resonate with me?
  • What does my audience need help with?

You really shouldn’t be general about this if you want to get results. Make as many notes as possible, and even go as far as creating consumer profiles to help.

02. Be specific about your content.

As well as being as specific as possible about your audience, be specific about your content. The more specific your content, the better. General, random, and vague content are best avoided – at least at the beginning of your journey. Although some YouTubers started off randomly and found their feet this way, it’ll be harder for you to do this now the market is saturated.

By all means, create whatever content you want if you’re not too fussed about building an audience and you just want to see what content you enjoy the most. Just bear in mind that the more specific you can be, the better. Even better, selecting a niche with as few resources as possible will help.

You can get even more specific about the content you’re going to create by looking at the list below. You could create:

  • Tutorials
  • Overviews of strategies
  • Education on a specific topic
  • Demonstrations
  • Product reviews

03. Buy the right equipment.

High-quality videos rule. While you can definitely start out filming videos on your iPhone, the set up needs to be just right if you’re going to make them watchable.

People are so used to high quality, well-edited videos, that you need at least a bit of equipment if you’re going to be successful.

You’re going to need a smartphone with a camera, the higher the quality, the better. You can purchase a great camera later on when you’re sure that this is a habit you’re going to stick to. You should also get a ring light or something to brighten the room you’re in, as natural light sometimes isn’t even enough. Some YouTubers also like to use microphones and backdrops. Any backdrop is usually fine as long as it’s not too distracting.

Many YouTubers will be happy to share what their own setup includes, so check out some of your favorite YouTubers and copy them. Just make sure you stick to your budget at first, as you need to make sure this is something you’re going to stick to.

04. Teach yourself how to edit.

You should have a good idea of how to edit your videos if you’re going to create videos – unedited videos are ok sometimes, but editing them can get rid of pointless rambles and times when you’re unsure of what to say.

There are all kinds of reasons you may want to edit, and many watchers will prefer snappy videos that stick to the point. Later on, you can consider hiring a professional to edit your videos for you if you need one and want to save time.

05. Consider marketing your videos.

While you can wait to see if you build momentum on your own, marketing your videos may help you to get the results that you want much faster. You may need to spend a little, but providing you know who your audience is, you’ll be able to market to them and get views and followers more effectively.

06. Make a plan to release videos consistently.

Nobody is going to want to follow your channel if you don’t release videos consistently. When starting out, some people recommend releasing videos every day.

However, this may not be viable for you, especially if you want to keep up the quality of your content. It could be an idea to aim for two to three videos a week. Come up with a schedule that suits you and stick to it! Consistency is a must if you want results.

07. Cater to various needs.

Make sure your videos cater to various audience members and needs. For instance, you can use audio description services for people who may not be able to watch the video due to eye problems. When you set yourself apart like this, people will love that you’re an inclusive YouTuber.

08. Always analyze, test, and improve your content. Discuss with fellow YouTubers.

If you want to grow your channel, you should always be analyzing, testing, and aiming to improve your content. Using YouTube analytics is the best way to do this and can give you plenty of insights. You can also ask and discuss with fellow YouTubers.

09. Ignore all the negative comments.

Unfortunately, you’re not going to be able to please everybody all the time. When you’ve built up a following, you may get some negative comments. These people don’t think about the person behind the channel – they might even be trolls that do this all the time. It’s so important you ignore them. While some constructive criticism could be helpful, taking on board every negative comment will do nothing for your self-esteem and momentum.

10. Know your purpose.

Why do you want to start a channel? As mentioned previously, doing this solely for money is not a good idea.

You could do it for the following reasons:

  • Promoting Your Brand or Business
  • Educating customers about your product
  • Making tutorials and guides to help people
  • Showcasing your art
  • Uploading your own music
  • Sharing a skill or hobby
  • Sharing your travel or other experiences

11. Avoid lengthy videos, at least in the beginning.

If you have something important you’d like to talk about or a hobby that takes a lot of patience and time, it could be difficult to keep your videos short. However, when you’re an unknown, it’s unlikely people will want to watch your lengthy videos.

Short videos that are easier to watch and stick to the point will be more palatable. Later on, you can make longer videos if you see fit.

12. Ask your audience to share and subscribe.

How do you expect your channel to grow if you don’t ask for what you want? This is why many YouTubers do this at the end or even the start of their videos. Asking them to like, share, and subscribe can actually get results. If you don’t ask, then you won’t get it!

13. Keep titles and opening credits short.

You need to find the line between clickbait and a good title. You don’t want to deceive your audience or bring them to you through false pretenses. Credits that are too long and self-indulgent will put people off, too. Keep it short and sweet.

Don’t waste your audience’s time.

14. Be authentic.

Don’t try to be somebody else for the camera – but do try to be your best, most authentic self. You can be cheery and upbeat, but people will be able to tell if you’re not being yourself. Don’t force anything that doesn’t come naturally.

15. Get involved in the community.

Get involved on social media and leave comments on other videos. Become a part of the community.

16. Stay engaged with your audience.

Respond to positive comments and start a dialogue. Let your audience know that you appreciate them.

17. Put in work on social media.

Market your videos on social media and let it be known what you’re doing. Post complimentary content and try to build a following this way, too.

18. Create a blog or site to go alongside your YouTube channel.

As well as social media, a blog or website will help you to grow your channel. Think of yourself as a content creator! God knows you may need to start merchandise too.

What are you going to start a channel on? Let us know in the comment section!

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