How to learn SEO at home?

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If you are running a business online, then it is evident that you will love to find your website on the front page of every search engine including Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

And if you want to get your website on the first page of search results, you need to have the best internal knowledge about the search engines. You have to get the proper technique in place to optimize your website and reach the end goal.

While running your business, learning SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will seem a little complicated. But, you need to understand that nothing is easy. It is best if you made efforts to learn the best ways to find your website optimized for the search engine results.

Just by sitting at home, you can opt for the below-mentioned techniques to learn SEO.

Search Engine Optimization

Remember, these techniques are not only the end to your SEO goal; you will have to make extra efforts to reach your final destination.

Techniques to learn SEO sitting at home.

Attend seminars.

Seminars are the best way to learn the latest techniques to optimize your website. Seminars on internet marketing will help you to get familiarized with the latest information on how a search engine index and file your website.

The quality of information you receive will vary depending on the seminars and speakers. But, we bet that you will always get some insights about SEO techniques after attending these seminars.

SEO training online course.

There are several vendors in the present market that provide SEO training online.

It will help you to learn the right information about the SEO techniques at your comfort teaching from home. The cost of attending these online courses will vary from a couple of bucks to thousands depending on the course material, trainer, hours of training, and the popularity of the online training hub.

The biggest and the most significant advantage of enrolling for the SEO training online is that you have a wide range of options to select from. You can choose a course based on the course material, trainer, and your expertise. Whether you are a starter or experienced, you are a better person to know which direction suits your needs.

Usually, these courses are taken in the form of webinars. It can either be recorded ones of live ones depending on the course you enroll in.

There are many PDFs and downloadable instructions along with the online training that gives you a better insight into the SEO techniques.

SEO blogs and articles.

Experienced SEO professionals share their knowledge and experience in the form of blogs and articles. They give away small SEO tips that will have long-term gains for you.

You can go on Google and search for β€˜SEO Blogs.’ You will find millions of search results. According to your need and the ones that are at the top in the search results, will be the best fit for you to learn SEO techniques. Also, you can subscribe to those blogging platforms to keep updating your information regarding the SEO techniques.

You can read our articles on search engine optimization here.

SEO forums.

Some individuals are not in a situation to invest money in online SEO training.

The best way for them to get the latest knowledge about the new SEO technique is by getting in touch with the experts through the SEO forums.

Here are some active, trusted, and well known SEO forums:

  • SEO Mastering Forum
  • HellBound Bloggers (HBB) Forum
  • The Moz Q&A Forum
  • Warrior Forum

In these forums, there are several questions asked by juniors and seniors. You can even ask your questions. In turn, you will get answers from the experts.

These answers will help you to learn the SEO techniques and experience the best learning without investing a single penny. Though there are advantages of SEO forums, there are several disadvantages as well.

Undertake SEO courses from organizations.

Many organizations, especially during a period of pandemics and lockdown, come up with a training course to educate starters and experienced.

These courses are available either online in two modes. You can take the course in a self-paced mode or with live training. Usually, the experience of live training is exquisite. Your queries are answered on time.

In the self-paced mode, there are recorded sessions that you will attend and get the required knowledge about the SEO techniques. You have the liberty of asking the questions related to SEO learnings in forums developed by the organizations.

They guarantee a 24-hour solution to any of your queries. The price range for such an SEO training online course will vary depending on the type of training you are taking.

Regularly attend conferences and meetings.

There are several conferences you will find around your locality. Industry experts usually attend these conferences. You will have the best chance to get in touch with the industry experts using the medium of conferences.

They discuss the latest strategies they are using to optimize their websites. The knowledge that they share during such conferences is invaluable. Also, the contacts you will gather during the meeting will be valuable for you in the longer run.


Looking at the steps above, it is evident that it is not that hard to learn SEO knowhow sitting at home. It is best if you were focussed, confident, and follow the steps & guidance given in each of these steps. Using these techniques, you will learn the best SEO tips. You can utilize these tips to tweak and design your SEO plan for the website.

It can be for your website or your client’s website. You can adjust your online marketing plans to reach the top in the search engine results.

The only thing we will suggest to you while learning the SEO techniques is that you need to develop an attitude of keeping patience, because you will find results only after 3~6 months of continuous efforts.

It is not easy to get the best results in a shorter duration. And in a case where you need results in a lesser period, then prefer going for paid marketing.

Also, these techniques are meant to give you fundamental knowledge and tips for your SEO regime. The rest you will learn from your experience.

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  1. Bruce Avatar

    Commented on

    These days since Covid-19 and the age of online meetings I see many more options available for learning search engine optimization from the comfort of your own home.