How businesses can prevent social engineering attacks: Practical tips

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Social engineering attacks are a growing concern for businesses in the digital age. These attacks involve manipulating employees or users into revealing sensitive information or granting unauthorized access to critical systems. As technology advances, the methods and techniques used by cybercriminals continue to evolve.

Social engineering attacks

This article will discuss practical tips for businesses to prevent social engineering attacks and maintain a strong security posture.

Types of social engineering attacks.

Social engineering attacks come in various forms, with cybercriminals employing different techniques to manipulate individuals. Here are some common types of social engineering attacks:


Phishing is the most prevalent form of social engineering attack. Cybercriminals send emails or messages posing as a trusted entity, such as a bank or a popular online service, to trick recipients into revealing their login credentials or other sensitive data. These emails often contain a sense of urgency or alarm, pushing users to act quickly without proper caution.

Spear phishing.

Spear phishing is a targeted form where attackers customize their approach for a specific individual or organization. The attacker gathers information about the target and crafts a message that appears more credible and relevant, increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Vishing (Voice phishing).

Vishing attacks involve cybercriminals using phone calls or voice messages to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information. The attacker may impersonate a bank, government agency, or other trusted entity to create a sense of urgency or fear and manipulate the target into divulging information or performing a specific action.

Smishing (SMS phishing).

Smishing is similar to phishing but uses text messages (SMS) to deceive individuals into clicking on malicious links, downloading malware, or providing sensitive information. These messages often come from legitimate sources and may compel the recipients to take prompt action.


Pretexting involves an attacker creating a fabricated scenario or pretext to deceive the target into revealing sensitive data or granting access to secure systems. This could involve impersonating a co-worker, a client, or a vendor, and using this cover story to manipulate the target.


Baiting involves luring a target into a trap by offering something enticing, such as free software or a USB drive. Once the target takes the bait, they may inadvertently download malware or grant the attacker access to sensitive information.

Practical tips for social engineering attacks.

Educate your employees.

The first line of defense against social engineering attacks is raising employee awareness. Provide regular training sessions on the latest social engineering tactics and techniques, and teach your staff how to recognize and report suspicious activity.

Additionally, ensure your employees understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive information and following established security protocols.

Use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate the potential consequences of falling victim to a social engineering attack. Encourage open communication and make it easy for employees to ask questions or report concerns.

Implement robust security policies.

Establish clear and comprehensive security policies for your organization. These policies should cover password management, data access and storage, and using personal devices for work. Regularly review and update your policies to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Communicate these policies to employees and provide ongoing training on adhering to them.

Use two-factor authentication.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds a second layer of protection to your organization’s accounts by requiring users to provide additional information or credentials alongside their passwords. Implementing 2FA across your organization can help to prevent unauthorized data access and reduce the likelihood of a successful social engineering attack. Use biometrics, hardware tokens, or mobile authentication apps for added security.

Monitor and control social media usage.

Cybercriminals often use social media platforms to gather information about potential targets. Limit the amount of sensitive information shared on social media by implementing guidelines for employee use and regularly monitor accounts for signs of suspicious activity. Establish a clear social media policy that outlines acceptable behavior, and provide training on using social media safely and responsibly.

Secure your email systems.

Email remains a popular vector for social engineering attacks, so securing your organization’s email systems is essential. Use email filtering and scanning software to identify and block phishing attempts and other malicious emails.

Train employees to recognize and report phishing attempts and consider implementing the Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) protocol to help protect against email spoofing.

Verify requests for sensitive information.

Always verify requests for sensitive information, particularly those received via email or phone. Encourage employees to contact the requester through a separate channel, such as a phone call, to confirm the request’s legitimacy.

As part of this process, you can use services like PhoneHistory to verify the caller’s identity by checking their phone number’s history. This can help ensure you are not inadvertently providing sensitive information to cybercriminals.

Conduct regular security audits.

Perform regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities in your organization’s systems and processes. Use the results of these audits to inform your security strategy and make any necessary improvements. External security audits can provide an unbiased assessment of your organization’s security posture and help identify areas for improvement.

Plan for incident response.

If a social engineering attack does occur, it is crucial to have an incident response plan in place. This plan should outline your organization’s steps to contain, investigate, and recover from a security breach. Ensure that all employees are familiar with the plan and know their roles and responsibilities in the event of an incident. Regularly review and update your incident response plan to ensure it remains effective and aligned with your organization’s evolving security needs. Conduct tabletop exercises or simulations to test your plan and identify any gaps or areas for improvement.

Encourage a security-conscious culture.

Foster a culture of security awareness within your organization. Encourage employees to be vigilant and proactive about security, and recognize and reward those who demonstrate exceptional security practices. Promote the idea that everyone has a role in maintaining a secure environment and that security is a shared responsibility. Create a positive atmosphere around security discussions and initiatives, and provide opportunities for employees to contribute their ideas and insights.

Stay informed of emerging threats.

Keep abreast of the latest developments in cybersecurity and social engineering threats. Subscribe to industry newsletters, attend conferences and seminars, and participate in online forums and communities to stay informed and prepared. Use this knowledge to update your organization’s security measures and adapt to the evolving threat landscape.


Social engineering attacks are a significant threat to businesses, but following the practical tips outlined in this article, organizations can reduce risk and maintain a robust security posture. By educating employees, implementing robust security policies, using two-factor authentication, monitoring social media usage, securing email systems, verifying requests for sensitive information, conducting regular security audits, planning for incident response, encouraging a security-conscious culture, and staying informed of emerging threats, businesses can effectively protect themselves from the dangers of social engineering attacks.

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