Evergreen Three Best Blogging Platforms: Blogger Tumblr WordPress

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The best blogging platforms for writers come from a variety of places that are useful to all users online. Someone who wishes to create proper content will find it quite simple to do so using the blogging platform that has been chosen for their effectiveness. This article explains how someone may choose one of the three blogging platforms that are listed, and they will have quite a lot of fun when they are building their blog.

Blogger Tumblr WordPress

Each one has its own attributes that are helpful for the user, and someone who quite enjoys blogging will notice how simple it is to use these platforms.

#1. Blogger

BloggerBlogger has been one of the best blogging platforms for some time, and users may host their website there if they like. It is one of the original blogging platforms that people still use to this day, and there are quite a few people who will find it quite exciting to use the platform as it has been simplified for everyone who is new to blogging.

Users who are interested in a simpler blogging experience may use blogger, and they will find many of the oldest and most exciting blogs in the world on the platform. They may follow people who started the craze, and they may join their ranks.

#2. Tumblr

TumblrTumblr is a unique blogging platform that some people do not think of as a blog site. It is a social media site that allows users to blog or write as much as they want. The users who are searching for a simple way to blog their thoughts may do so, or they may choose to create something that is personal and meaningful. They are free to join with other blogs to help build their readership, and the user will make many friends when they are on Tumblr.

The user who wishes to blog with Tumblr will find the site exciting as it gives them quite a lot of news, and they may be enlightened about a number of topics. The users will find it fun to share what they have on their dashboard, and they may write something new any time they want.

#3. WordPress

WordPressWordPress is the standard in the industry, and they have grown their service to help more people than ever now that they are so large. They offer a site with the .org and .com extension that will countless people host their blogs, and they have a number of different styling options that makes it simpler for the user to publish, and they will create a site that makes them feel as though they are writing in a published format. The WordPress blog may be quite simple, or it may be quite complex.

The user is welcome to spend money on the design of their site, and they may purchase a domain name for their site that is helpful to them. They have several options when attempting to build a blog, and they will find it simple to create something that they are proud of. The bloggers who wish to write often must have an opportunity to create something that speaks to them, and they will find a format at WordPress that is easier to use and understand.

So Which One is Better and Why?

Based on majority most of us would choose WordPress because it gives us more option than others which is required in blogging. However, Blogger and Tumblr both are cost effective as they don’t cost a penny. Check out below which one is better and why?

Choosing Based on Need

Choosing any of the blogging platforms listed here will be quite effective for you when you wish to write online, and you must begin searching for a place to write that will welcome you with open arms. The places where you choose to write must be helpful for as a matter of course, and they must feel good when used. You may prefer something that is much more open like Tumblr, or you may choose something basic like WordPress that will help you publish articles like a newspaper would.

The blog must be a place where the writer feels comfortable, and they will notice how simple it is to make changes to the way they are blogging based on the work that is done on the blog. The blogger may want something that feels like a proper website, or they may choose something that is a bit more casual. They may make any choice they like, and they will notice how simple it is to blog in the manner that is cost-effective for them as people.

Cost Effectiveness

Saving money on blogging is simple through Tumblr and WordPress. Users may blog for free on these sites because they offer free programs, and they may choose to spend a small amount of money to start a WordPress blog. Everyone who is attempting to build a blog will find it much simpler to do when they are not asked to spend money at all, and they will save money by using WordPress and their low prices plans.


Bloggers may choose to use more than one platform because they believe they will reach more people using multiple platforms. The person who is using more than one platform may link between them, and they will find it easy to use the blog to show how simple it is to create a following for one form of content or another. The simplest of the platforms are the ones that do not require publishing in multiple steps, but they may be useful if the owner of the blog wants to create a magazine-style blog that reads well.

Everyone who is shopping for a proper blog site must ensure they are using one of the three listed. The user who wishes to be casual must take on a Tumblr blog to ensure they are making friends, and they may use Blogger or WordPress when they are ready to publish in a way that is more professional. They will find an audience that will want to read all your content, and you may ask them to come back to your blog to read all the things you have to say. Use your voice with any of the three blog sites you have chosen.

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