Ways to get the most out of your social media analytics

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Social media marketing is a lot harder than it first appears and a lot of businesses get it badly wrong. If you want to take your social media marketing to the next level, you need to start making use of your analytics data.

You collect so much information about your followers and the way in which they engage with your posts. Analyzing that information can help you to identify which aspects of your campaign are working well and which aren’t, so you can constantly adapt your approach and make sure that you’re always engaging with customers.

Social Media Analytics

The problem is, a lot of businesses don’t take full advantage of that data and that’s why their social media campaigns suffer. If you can’t get your head around social media analytics, these are some of the best ways to get more out of it.

Create a performance baseline

Social media analytics can tell you whether a post is connecting well with your followers and whether they’re engaging with it, but how do you know if you’re performing well or not unless you have something to compare it with? That’s why the first thing that you need to do is establish a performance baseline.

Look over your analytics data for the last few months and take an average of things like reach, engagement, and click-throughs. Once you have those averages, you can get a better sense of how well a post is performing.

You also need to decide which analytics are most important to you so you can prioritize those things when adapting your marketing strategy.

Consolidate your data

One of the main problems that people have with social media analytics is the sheer amount of data, spread across lots of different platforms.

But it’s a lot easier to make sense of if you can consolidate it all in one place, which is where social media analytics software comes in. The right software will bring all of that data together and display it in a simple form so you can actually see what your social media strategy looks like and how it’s performing. Unless you actually understand what you’re looking at, you’re never going to be able to make use of that data.

Identify Influencers

Social media has changed marketing in so many different ways, but one of the biggest changes is the creation of influencer and influencer marketing campaigns.

Even if you haven’t asked them to, there may already be some influencers out there that are supporting your brand. You can use social media analytics to look at which posts have been shared and which shares have had the most impact, and that will help you to identify those influencers.

Once you’ve identified the influencers that are interested in your brand already, you can reach out to them and start setting up marketing collaborations with them.

You collect so much data on your social media accounts and if you’re just sitting on it, you’re wasting a big opportunity.

But if you use these simple tips, you can get a lot more out of it.

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