Tips for Making a Product Landing Page that Doubles Your Sales

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A product landing page is the place where the biggest decision about your business is made. This is the page, which either turns a visitor into a customer or even makes a customer into a visitor as if they do not like the design of the product, they will leave your store. It is a general knowledge for every eCommerce store owner that successful product pages are really important to the successful eCommerce website.

Landing Page

So, if you are looking for some tips in order to optimize the product landing page such that it drives traffic to your eCommerce store, here, you will find some of them. A product page that provides information, assurance and also motivates the visitors to buy the products, is a perfectly optimized product page. The user-experience of the product page is one of the essential matters for driving traffic to your eCommerce website. Read on the entire article to find them out!

Call to Action is a Necessity

Creating hassle at the time of shopping can surely lead your customer to purchase your product. In your product page, you can make the ‘Add to Cart’ and ‘Proceed to Checkout’ buttons highly visible. And, don’t forget to create urgency for your product. You can mention ‘Only one left’ Hurry up! A Call to Action is one of the most important techniques to increase conversion on the product page. A CTA majorly means a response you want customers to complete an encouragement for the visitors to buy your product.

Speed! Is the Product Landing Page Fast?

Product page must be classy and responsive at the same time. The pages that take a long to load can kill the confidence as well as the conversion. No customer would wait till your page loads and then will again take long to process the purchases made by them. You can remove those which are overly designed and make the existing page load fast and respond faster. If it is not fast, you should surely work for that and increase the load speed in such a way that the visitors convert into the customers.

The Best Product Images!

Ever noticed that a good product image creates a great impression among the customers? Yes! It does. When you own a product page, try to put the image of the product as wonderful as possible. Images for products like gadgets, apparel and home goods are very important for building a trust factor for the customers and confidence to the users by providing information about what they are buying. Make sure you have multiple views of the photos so that the customers can purchase it with a brief idea about it.

Explain the Copy in Brief

It is difficult to move ahead without copy on the product page, so even if you put copy on all the pages, make sure that it is a great one and is working hard to help your potential customers. Most probably, the things that would be copied are the information like shipping options, availability, size/color, sizing chart, pricing and many more. Make sure you have highlighted the high points so that the customers can have a trust on your product. You can use nice typography and provide short and simple product information.

Customer Confidence is Must

When owning a product page, instead of creating extreme curiosity, try to create confidence of the product of your product page. Talk about the product quality, sizing, return policies, customer service commitments, so that your visitor will be comfortable buying from you. Inform them about product reviews and the testimonials given by your previous customers. Always keep the useful reviews on the top. When you add more social information about your product, you are creating a sense of confidence among the visitors and letting them know that they are not the only one to visit your product page. You can show a huge variety of things in the review page such as star rating given to your product by customer, the pictures of your product posted by your customer, and the written review of the product given by your customer.

Offer Them Options to Choose from

When selling a product, if you provide some similar options, the chances of turning the visitor to the customers increases as there are some people who want only a few colors of shirts and if they do not find the same color, they will leave the page. Hence, it is better to provide a variety of options to the customers to choose from, for a particular product. This practice will also let more visitors come to your product page and hence expanding the sales growth of your business. When the user have a lot of options to choose from, there are chances, they will buy the more number of products then they wish to.

Thinking of Scrambled Design? Never Go For It!

Just because you do not know which kind of design will drive sales or you can’t decide what is highly important, you should not create a scrambled design of everything that comes into your mind. You must not have the unnecessary text or some idiotic functionality. You should go for the pages as simple as possible. Simplicity of the design should be your prime concern when working for the perfect product page targeted towards providing a great sales growth to your business. Recommendations, reviews, and other SEO friendly things are fine, but, nothing should be more than the requirement.

Always remember, product landing pages are the things that can either make your break the sales growth of your business. Being an online store owner, it is entirely upto you to create a user friendly product page to attract more and more customers to your business website. By using these useful and helpful tips on your website, you can make your product page such a wonderful place that a user cannot resist buying your product! Follow these and make the most out of your eCommerce store.

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