What is the Difference Between SEO and SMO?

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The internet world in which we are living demands wide promotion to get visible in the eyes of the worldwide customers. It is the core of any business to taste immense traffic, generate heavy leads and sales in turn. In online marketing, there are two major pillars, named awareness and visibility.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well as SMO (Social Media Optimization) both are the crucial trends that one can follow to improve their search engine rankings. It is not the end.


If you want your business to be in the reach of large set of audiences, there are 3 basic ways with which you can do this:

  • Good ranking results with SEO,
  • Your recommendations by any niche website, and
  • A list of people who know you.

The noticeable part is, SMO contributes to all of the above-stated methods so that widespread people can easily find you.

SEO vs SMO: Chains of Impact

The term SEO, or search engine optimization is a process that helps a web page come higher in the search results of any relevant keyword within a search engine like Google. SMO, stands for social media optimization, uses social media to increase the flow of traffic to a website, blog or even a web page.

In today’s digital marketplace, you need to optimize your business website through SEO. And, push it for branding, publicity and enable more people interactions about your service and products through SMO. It depends on how well you can implement your SEO and SMO strategies and you will be more closer to appear on the first pages of search engines.

If you want a successful online marketing campaign, it is a clever step to keep both SEO and SMO as an important player of your team. You might lose a huge influx of traffic if your area of concern is SEO and not SMO.

Both SEO and SMO can be efficiently utilized to target traffic towards a specific point, but with the different techniques and methods. The end result is probably the same, giving you heights of success. Let’s see how…

Link Seeding

Both SEO and SMO are important for any online business, but there are multiple ways one need to consider. Few marketing managers think to paste their links in any relevant social media group. This widespread scattering of your company URL across multiple social media like Facebook or LinkedIn can be detrimental to your online reputation. The reason is, such type of explosion of links may make a business more like a spammy robot than a genuine venture.

The noticeable fact here is, both SEO and SMO don’t make any dependency on the number of links, rather they depend on the strategic sharing. It simply explains that one requires a social media influencer like YouTube star, to spread the word.

An effective way can be well-placed tweets from a famous profile as compared to an indiscriminate link-sharing. Such link sharing might decrease your number of followers due to the irritation factor.

Variety of Means

As far as SEO is concerned, there are multiple aspects that it counts such as keyword selection, addition of meta tags, descriptions, tags and header along with HTML code optimization. The goal is to improve your website traffic through organic search engine rankings.

Similar vertical is SMO that highlights the content to be posted outside for the public. It optimizes the content for the specific keywords so that it can attract the search engine rankings. The main focus is to find the tricks to make your content interesting over different social media channels. For this, they use fresh prospects of these social networks like YouTube videos, Facebook Live, etc.

Approach Followed

There are multiple methods with which a business can think of grabbing the customers. Either you might have a wide chain to spread yourself across the web or people are already aware about you. One important aspect is when people search you through your respective keywords. This is what SEO is all about. The more clicks you get, higher you will get in the business through large customers.

Similarly, SMO thinks of promoting your brand over the web with the use of social media. For example, there are multiple businesses that are running today with the sole support of social media. People who visit social profiles will find these businesses and become their customers with time.

What to Summarize

It is an obvious instinct that no one will go to the second page of the search results when looking for the specific keywords. The reason is quite generic. There is no authenticity of a business which has a dull web presence. Following the same, businesses have to think for the finest ways to be on the top of the search results. Practically, online visibility is the key to success for your business to gain more leads and sales. This is what your brand can gain with multiple SEO and SMO tactics implemented.

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  1. Stefan Alexander Avatar
    Stefan Alexander

    Commented on

    Hi Atul, Awesome content! This is a great article.

    You are right; SEO and SMO both are important for a business to grow online. There is still no definite answer whether engines use social signals as a ranking factor, but it is also important to keep your social media presence positive. That makes more sense from a marketing perspective. The goal is to get your business found everywhere without being a spammer. Your links need to be natural and have a meaning. That goes both for link building in SEO or in the social media platforms. Thanks for sharing this content!