Real ways to make extra money from home

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We have entered the age where we live to earn, as opposed to how the older generations have earned to live. Jobs are getting scarcer, and those who are employed have lost all notion of security, on the other hand prices of commodities keep going up while salaries and wages stay stagnant and rarely even appreciate.

Make an Extra Money from Home

Maintaining two jobs has become a norm, but there are those who desire to do the same but are faced with constraints that hinder them from leaving their homes. Some just get frustrated and take a gamble at having second jobs and being away from their home for a longer time each day, making scheduling a nightmare.

There are a lot of ways nowadays for those seeking to make extra money to stay at home. Some could prove to be a rip-off and leave you feeling cheated of your hard-earned money, but there are also a lot of legitimate ways that will surely make you a few bucks extra each month. Here are some of the great ideas out there:

#1. Share your ideas with Google.

To mark the Google’s 10th birthday, the company has unveiled a $10 million dollar effort that is geared towards finding ideas that will “change the world by helping as many people as possible”. Google is asking everyone to submit their ideas that can improve people’s lives and the top 100 of the best ideas after voting will be funded.

Google has come up with many innovations in its decade of existence, and the company has noted that the idea can be big or small, and may not even be technologically-driven. It just has to have a positive use that will potentially impact the world.

#2. Sell your photos online (stock images).

It is now rare to see a person without a camera in their hands. People take snapshots and share everything and anything online. If you are a shutterbug and has taken more photos of anything as they should; there are websites that will pay for your quality photos.

You may not be a professional photographer, but it sure is an interesting way to earn extra cash. Shutterstock will pay up to 30% of the sale price of your photo, and the site has paid out over $350 million to its current contributors.

Other options are iStock Photo, Alamy, PhotoShelter, and Fotolia. If you have photos lying around or just taking a huge space in your computer’s storage, maybe it’s time for decluttering and putting that photo to good use.

#3. Give your opinion to others.

Who knew your opinions would make you money? There are tons of ways to make money by telling people what you think. For instance, you can give an online review of a new product.

Your feedback can give some money back, all you have to do is visit sites like Expo TV, Vindale, Shared Reviews, or User Testing. Another fun way, if you don’t mind the legwork, is to become a mystery shopper.

All you have to do is sign up for programs like the Mystery Shopper Program, Secret Shopper, or Best mark. Shoppers will be asked to visit restaurants, retail stores, auto body shops, basically, anything that requires purchasing where you can assess the shop’s processes, products, and services.

#4. Start small business.

When it comes to establishing a small business, all that is needed is to come up with an innovation, big or small that will predominantly be in demand. It does not have to be focused on one service, it can be a mixture of what is perceived as a common need.

There are a lot of people who have resorted to e-commerce where they have put up online stores that sell clothes, accessories, gadgets, and a lot more. The idea is not to be constricted with what you think you should focus on, be creative.

Related: How to Start an eCommerce Site in India?

#5. Become a freelance writer.

If you have a knack for writing and sewing words together to form a great article worth reading, there are tons of websites out there that can help you become a freelance writer.

A site like Upwork are very trustworthy and has thousands of employers looking to hire for all sorts of stuff. Using these sites will ensure that you get the right clients who will pay you for every single task you accomplish for them and eliminating the risk of getting hired by a bogus employer.

Getting the job done right at the right time will give freelances better reputation which paves the way to getting more jobs to help with your financial needs.

#6. Rent out your car.

If you have a vehicle that is just sitting in the garage, or if you will be away for a trip and the vehicle will just stay in the parking, or you just don’t use your vehicle that much, there are services that will help you rent out your vehicle when it is just sitting idly by gathering dust. RelayRides and GetAround can match you with a customer that will rent your automobile and pay you per hour turning your car’s idle time to extra money.

#7. Sell your unwanted items.

Let’s all admit that we have items that we hang on to but have not used in the last six months. The first rule of decluttering is asking you if you have used the item in the past year, and if there is a possibility to use it again in the future. If you have answered to no to both questions with regard to some of your items, it is about time to let them go. There are a lot of means to sell the items that are no longer used like an online store, a flea market, a book sale, or even a garage sale. People flock to check out the pre-loved items, and there are some who are really hunting for the best finds. If you have items that are collectibles and antiques, get them appraised and get a hefty amount for them.

Other ideas include creating the reviews or how to guide during your free time. It will be worth your while and gain a lot of readers for your blog or website.

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Responses to “Real ways to make extra money from home”

  1. Amar Kumar Avatar
    Amar Kumar

    Hey Atul,

    Glad to read your most interesting post. These days, everyone can be a creator. Technology has democratized the creative process, and almost anyone can now sell creative online products such as music, photography, videos, eBooks and artwork online.

    Selling digital goods in new markets with effective strategies helps to instantly increase our revenue. Eventually, thanks for sharing your best experience with us.

    With best regards,

    Amar Kumar

    1. AtulHost Avatar

      Thanks Amar bro for your valuable feedback. I hope this article will inspire others too who are seeking for making some bucks online with their creativity.