Web Hosting and Cybersecurity: Is Your Web Host Applying Necessary Safety Precautions?

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You have just set up your website, secured it, and boom! You go live and then it occurs to you that your web host is not even near taking cybersecurity seriously.

Cyber insecurity is a rampant online crime that calls for stringent measures to contain it and that is why it deserves all the seriousness the world can give. You have probably come across mind-blowing cyberattacks headlines at some point, especially linking to ransomware which goes to prove that this menace is here to disadvantage those who don’t take online protection and privacy seriously.

If you are looking forward to running a website, remember that your focus on security should start from the use of the best VPN service and choosing secure web hosting.

Server Room

This is why it is important to consider a number of things before selecting a web host. Never be in a rush to pick just any web host that crosses internet paths with you. So, how do you tell if your web host is taking cybersecurity seriously or not? The following is a list of security measures that web hosts should exhibit as proof that they have what it takes to deal with cyberattacks.

Mitigation of DDoS attacks

Translated as Distributed Denial of Service, DDoS attacks happen when many requests are directed to a certain server with the aim of causing interruption and bringing it down.

This is not something you want to deal with as a website owner despite paying for Web Hosting services. A web host who minds about the security of their client’s websites will partner with Content Delivery Networks like Cloudflare. This is because CDN architecture is designed to contain or absorb DDoS attacks making it possible to bypass them.

Uptime monitoring

A responsible and concerned web host should always be on the lookout so that they can detect intrusions in the network early enough before any form of security breaching takes place. They should be honest and straightforward about any anomalies in the network such as abnormal user traffic, broken links so that necessary precautions can be deployed.

Backup resources

Only go for a web host with reliable backup policies. They should at least facilitate backups every week all while ensuring you can easily access them.

Backups are a necessary security measure because if an attacker gets hold of your data and ransoms it back to you, you can carry on as if nothing happened.

Software security

This is a security obligation for both parties, you and your web host. Your web host right from the start should be able to show that they have invested in the best antivirus and malware protection software.

This offers protection especially against encrypted malware which has become a serious threat for most site owners. If you frequently update the site with new uploads or doing a lot of file transfer then this feature must be implemented on your home PC too.

Restrictions on server access

The web host should be clear on who has clearance to access the servers and these can be technicians and system admins. Whitelisting IPs that are allowed to the server will enable you to monitor those accessing the server and easily spot malicious intruders.

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