How to Implement a Result Driven Social Media Marketing Strategy?

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The rate at which digital marketing is evolving is faster than ever. You cannot compare the happenings of today with what happened yesterday.

The lack of comparison makes it difficult for marketers to choose the right strategy when approaching the audience.

For instance, according to a digital researcher, trust is eroding as a result of the over-sensationalized and fake news. The rate at which technology is advancing is rapid.

It is, therefore, important to understand that advances in machine learning, big data, and artificial intelligence are improving the ability to customize and target campaigns to specific segments of the market.

Social Media Marketing

These changes ensure that marketers remain on their toes. It is necessary to remain current, but you need to understand the current changes in the market for you to respond in a way that will bring results. You should not try to control these changes, but rather harness them.

Overwhelming Challenges to Drive Results

Technology and trust are two challenges you will have to face when building a digital marketing strategy that is result-oriented. There is a chance that you will encounter uncontrollable environmental factors in your future. Therefore, how can you harness these factors to provide current and future results?

You need to focus on the things that can be controlled; your international environment. The greatest problem of a digital marketer is visibility into the results and performance of their content marketing strategy. To some extent, this may result from choosing the wrong working metrics. For instance, many marketers focus on metrics like unsubscribe rates, views, and clicks when evaluating online marketing campaigns.

The challenge is that the metrics do not provide answers as to why individuals are clicking, unsubscribing, or viewing the email addresses. Understanding the metrics that indicate an individual has a deep interest in your organization is quite confusing. The days when digital marketers would make valid assumptions on the actions of their audience are gone. It is, therefore, paramount for modern-day digital marketers to spend a lot of time understanding what it entails being in the digital space.

Keeping tabs on unsubscribes, clicks, and views provides a benchmark for the overall performance of the campaign. However, there exists a huge difference between results and performance. To have a result-drive social media marketing strategy, marketing professionals will have to analyze how people are engaging and connecting with their brand on a regular and ongoing basis.

What is the Key to the Results-Driven Strategy?

You need to put your focus on moving the needle and not the entire audience. You can never opt for the silver bullet when it comes to the implementation of a results-driven social media marketing strategy. However, the key is perfecting your approach and following a consistent process little by little each time until when you reach the nirvana of your marketing strategy.

The winning tips can include setting small and achievable goals, evaluating marketing plans on a regular basis, and ensuring that you execute these plans consistently. You will have to measure the outcomes before deciding on the necessary adjustments. If you desire to realize success, you will have to do a repeat of this process while documenting it.

According to a marketing report, over fifty percent of surveyed marketing professionals do not possess a documentation for their social media marketing strategy. They are over-reliant on the marketing software to gather data and produce reports. This software should be used to collect, but not interpret data. It is therefore recommended to apply the old-fashioned spreadsheets to segment data that comes from google analytics, sales CRM, HubSpot, customer service portals, and much more. Many of these platforms can integrate, but there is nothing as compelling as possessing key metrics for all marketing activities.

Defining Your Marketing Goals

You need to put in place marketing goals that not only motivate your team but also help to benchmark the whole process that will lead to success. Your marketing goals need to include increased penetration into the market; selling more of existent products to current customers, or market development; selling your products to the new market. You can use the same strategy to introduce your products to the new market. These goals may be long-term and may require several years to actualize. However, you need to make them measurable and achievable within a particular timeframe.

Research Your Market

When you want to create an effective content marketing strategy, it is vital to do a deep research. You need to gather info about the market, size, social strength, and demographics. It is crucial to keep an eye on the market for you to be aware of changes over time. Therefore, the strategy remains targeted and relevant.

You will have to use your research to develop a profile of the customers you are targeting to identify their needs. The profile will help you reveal purchasing trends; where they buy, how they buy, and the commodities they purchase. You need to keep reviewing this trend on a regular basis for you not to miss out on novel opportunities or put across an irrelevant message. While finding new customers, you need to ensure that your marketing strategy gives you the allowance to maintain relations with existing customers.

Profile Your Competitors

As part of your results-driven social media marketing strategy, it is advisable to develop a competitors’ profile by identifying what they are marketing, marketing tactics, pricing, and supply chains. You will have to use this info to create a competitive advantage that will help you define what makes your business different. This is the moment you will have to workshop with your team to identify the weaknesses and strengths of your internal procedures to help you compete well with your competitors.


After defining your target audience, the right content marketing strategy will help you come up with strategies to attract and retain clients. For instance, this strategy might be the right one to increase your product awareness for a particular market. The social strategy might be geared towards increasing your social presence through regular Facebook posts about your products on relevant social channels.

After developing a strategic approach, you will define the tactical marketing mix by using a combination of marketing aspects like price, product, process, physical presence, place, promotion, and people.

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