Creating exceptionally captivating, outcome-changing online courses is what the e-learning industry constantly strives for today. And, it makes sure to leave no stone unturned to fulfill it, be it incorporating the top-performing authoring tools since these serve as an efficient means to accomplish the desired objective.
Apart from authoring tools with the mobile application, SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and IDs (Instructional Designers) have a substantial contribution to the development of these e-learning courses. So, have a look at the information mentioned below which will help give you a brief idea of the role of SMEs and IDs in e-learning alongside broadening your knowledge arena regarding enhancing e-learning with SMEs and IDs.

Role of SMEs and IDs
Subject Matter Experts are indispensable in e-learning, especially when you are working on highly technical content belonging to a specific industry. This is because they possess in-depth knowledge of that particular domain hence are the right people to address subject-related queries. Secondly, they also are responsible for validating content to be included in the training program alongside reviewing the course to ensure that content has been explained correctly.
On the other hand, Instructional Designers play a pivotal role in structuring content in a logical flow along with a thorough analysis of the same to ensure the effectiveness of e-learning.
Also, their awareness and capabilities of being able to use the authoring tools with desktop deployment make them an e-learning expert.
Mentioned below are a few common goals of SMEs and IDs which will help facilitate the smooth development of the e-learning projects.
Help Them Understand Requirements
It is essential that both SMEs and IDs understand the course objectives and have a sound knowledge about the expectations or requirements from the course. The content expert is responsible for ensuring that the content is concise and clear alongside being devoid of any incorrect information.
On the other hand, instructional designers or the learning experts are required to make sure they ask all relevant questions in order to extract valuable information. While SME is undoubtedly the content expert, learning expert is the one who understands how people learn best and what strategies need to be put into effect to deliver an appropriate e-learning course.
Communication is the Key
Communication between SMEs and IDs plays a crucial role in the success of any e-learning project and it is rightly said that it can either make or break a course. Once the plan for any project is finalized, there are certain points that must initially be clarified by the learning expert from the SMEs and these include determining the objectives of the course and getting SMEs approval on course guidelines and subsequent storyboards.
Since the SMEs have various other responsibilities to take care of hence they might not be available at all times to clarify the ID’s queries. It is suggested on part of ID to collate and ask all queries after planning or scheduling calls and meetings well in advance thereby helping in effective utilization of time. Similarly, providing reviews and feedbacks well in time to the ID is the responsibility that should be undertaken by SMEs to facilitate smooth development of the project.
Both SMEs and IDs have an equal role to play in the e-learning program design. While SMEs possess a wealth of in-depth knowledge in their subject, the IDs have mastered the art of selling any e-learning program via the optimum mix of all learning theories and online teaching strategies and tools.
Needless to say, both of them combine forces to create innovative learning experiences for the learner.
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