These days, digital marketing isn’t just an option, it’s a necessity if you want to grow your business. Even “brick and mortar” businesses need an online presence to engage with their customers and build their brand if they want to compete. The good news is that digital marketing is fairly simple, and can be done by just about anyone with the right strategy.

Let’s take a look at seven effective digital marketing pointers for passionate marketers. But for some additional insights, be sure to check out Bubblegum Search, who have created a detailed step-by-step guide to getting started with your digital marketing campaign.
1) SEO the Right Way.
SEO, search engine optimization, has been around since search engines became a thing in the 90s, but people still don’t seem to understand just how this works. Search engines operate using keywords to find the info you’re searching for.
Taking this into consideration, you need to know what keywords will best lead potential customers to your landing page.
For example, if you run a cosmetics business, and want to get more people to your page for red lipstick, you need to implement a combination of on-page, and off-page SEO to get the search engines like Google to rank your page highly for that keyword. While it may take some effort, the best thing about SEO is that it’s free if you decide to do it yourself.
2) Social Media Matters.
On the opposite end of the spectrum from SEO is social media. Instead of trying to get your potential customers to come to you, you’re going to go to them and engage through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Just take your demographic into consideration, and focus on the platforms that they use instead of using a “shotgun” approach.
Also, be aware that social media is all about branding, not directly marketing to your audience. While it is okay to pitch a special offer to them occasionally, instead what you want to focus on is building a relationship with your followers.
3) Make Sales on the Back End with Mailing Lists.
Mailing lists used to be huge moneymakers in the real world, and still are to some degree. These days, however, it’s easier than ever to build a virtual mailing list online using email marketing. This can add a substantial boost to your profit margins, and overall revenue generation.
The real benefit here is that by getting people on a mailing list, you can market to them over and over again. You can also use your list to build a relationship with your subscribers as well, getting them to like, known, and trust you so that they ultimately end up spending more money on your offers. There really is no downside to having a mailing list these days.
4) Build Authority with Video Marketing.
As previously mentioned, getting your target audience to like, know, and trust you will lead to bigger profits in the long run, and video marketing is a great way to do that. There is only so much you can do from behind the camera, so don’t be afraid to show your face, and interact with your demographic through the power of video.
There are a lot of ways you can use video to market to potential customers. You can use platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, or you can create videos to attach to your landing/sales pages. You can also work with a medical video production company – or one oriented toward your niche – to help you come up with some ideas and film videos to a professional standard. Another effective way of using video is to create video training courses that you can sell since they inherently have a much higher perceived value than simple ebooks.
5) Author a Book for Instant Credibility.
Nothing says “authority” on a subject like authoring a book about it. Even if you’re not a writer, it could definitely be worth the time and money to hire a ghostwriter to make a book for you that you can publish. The main benefit here is that authoring a book gives you an instant boost in credibility, presenting you as an expert in your niche.
As for selling your book, there are tons of platforms that will let you self-publish, like Amazon, or you can sell/give it away on your own website. In any case, try and get your book in the hands of as many people as possible, and encourage them to share it with their friends and family. The more exposure your book gets, the more you’ll rise as an authority on the subject matter.
6) Boost Profits with Arbitrage and Outsourcing.
Perhaps the best thing about the Internet when it comes to digital marketing is the fact that it’s so easy to hire others to take care of essential tasks for you. Due to the fact that we now live in a global marketplace, you can take advantage of currency differences and hire extremely cheap help without feeling like you’re ripping someone off.
This also allows you to add new services or products to your business quickly and easily. For example, if you want to offer video production services, just hire someone online to make videos for you, bump up the price, and make a profit. It really is that simple.
7) Build an Attractive and Detailed Website.
One of the most important things you can do in this digital age of marketing is to build an attractive and detailed website that will fulfil the needs of your customers. In fact, having the quality of your website can make or break your online marketing efforts in many cases.
A great example of this is Amazon. They’ve gone to great lengths to make their website attractive, easy to use, and not confusing. Check out their page design for Rodan Fields’ enhancements Lash Boost product, they make it easy to get info on a product and make a purchase with easy ‘buy now’ options.
The Power of Digital Marketing.
Ultimately, the greatest strength of digital marketing is that it lets you do more with less time and effort invested. Those who leverage this will be the ones to reap the greatest benefits from the technology at our disposal.
However, despite this focus on technology, don’t forget to take the human factor into account. Your customers are all human, with their own wants, desires, and needs. Understand this, and your business will thrive.
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