Does Your Business Need a Receptionist? And, if So, What for?

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In the initial stages of growing a business and keeping costs as low as possible (especially in this current climate!) the last thing you might be thinking of is hiring a receptionist. You already answer the phones and answer emails successfully yourself, after all, right?


Well, this year the receptionist industry has skyrocketed, with thousands of applicants in the UK vying for the chance to try the most popular career.

So, how exactly would your business benefit from a receptionist?

To make your business seem more trustworthy

The objective of your business is to make money, of course, but also to gain and retain customers. Perhaps you are a small business with a small workforce, and customers prefer the bigger brands in your sector?

Getting a receptionist will make your company seem bigger, more influential, and more trustworthy. This will have a significant impact on your business, as it will give your company a customer-facing persona.

By having a physical person answer your phones and emails, rather than a bot or the company boss, it gives the impression that you are a bigger business, and customers will feel like they’re interacting with a peer.

Delegate your tasks

Running your own business is not a walk in the park, especially when it comes to an extremely large workload. In saying this, some of these daily tasks would be perfect for a receptionist.

Having a receptionist can allow you to delegate certain office tasks, to free up your time for more creative and business-related dealings.

Giving the administrative tasks to someone else will allow you to fall back in love with your business, and give you more time to innovate and grow the business you have made.

You can still be in complete control of your business but add more flexibility to your organization. Especially when you use the right software.

Integrated software lowers overall IT costs

An integrated system will allow you to respond to constant customer queries across a number of different channels, allowing your receptionist to be productive with ease.

Information is shared efficiently and functionally by condensing multiple communications products into one application. Due to this, you will manage to save money on your IT costs and increase employee productivity.

Saving costs in IT is money that you can reinvest into the business and allow it to grow. Maybe you could benefit from better office chairs, or perhaps a particular staff member deserves a pay rise?

Do you need a receptionist?

In the long run, a receptionist will save you both time and money, two fundamental elements of a successful business.

Having a receptionist will help you grow the customer-facing persona of your brand and add a friendly interaction to your business.

The customer will perceive your company as more trustworthy, potentially gaining, and retaining your consumer base. Most importantly, though, it will free up your time to be the boss and begin to start innovating again. It is the step towards the next phase of your company’s future and its goals.

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  1. Rijhu Sinha Avatar
    Rijhu Sinha

    Commented on

    Hello Atul sir,

    Rijhu this side.

    This is really an useful as well as informative post. To achieve success in your business there are many factors that are needed to be considered and recruiting a receptionist is one of them.

    Very well said and completely agree with you a receptionist will save both the time and the money and both of these are fundamental elements of a successful business. Thanks for putting light on this. Keep sharing more similar and informative articles.
