10 Ways Social Media Can Help You Accelerate Startup Success

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Social networks are an essential part of the success of any business, including your startup. As a matter of fact, by placing a high priority on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms, you can set the stage for accelerated growth. Below, you will learn some vital tips that will help you accelerate the success of your startup by using social media.

Social Media

Strategic Planning

Before you start creating content and engaging customers on social media, you need to come up with a marketing strategy. During this planning stage, consider which social media channels best fit your goals as each of them have different advantages depending on your business niche.

Generally speaking, Facebook gives you the best opportunity to reach a massive number of people. Meanwhile, Twitter users have a high likelihood of buying from brands that they follow on the site.

Additionally, if you want to focus on visual content, you should consider setting up shop on YouTube and Pinterest. Regardless of the sites that you choose, spend time learning how they work so you can efficiently interact with their users.

Attractive Profiles

You only have a few seconds to captivate the attention of social media users, so make them count. Your social medial profile should serve both as a way to introduce your business to your audience as well as provide an entertaining presentation of your brand.

Begin by attractively including your logo in your profile picture. Also, make sure that you clearly display the name of your firm. Likewise, make sure that you include the location of your startup, its website URL and a concise description. You want to provide a professional and accurate representation of your business so that you only attract relevant users.

Clever and Moderate Advertising

Companies that use social media to constantly pitch sales often fail. Avoid treating your social media as avenues used solely for promotion of your business. After all, people expect to socialize when they log into their favorite social networks. Therefore, you should give your brand a human appeal by interacting with users in a personal way.

Find a way to creatively build your brand on social media by adding value to the community without becoming overbearing. By finding clever and low-key ways to advertise, you will win loyal followers who will eventually become customers.

Discreet Brand Promotion

As has been noted, you must take an indirect approach to sales. At this point it is advisable that you devise a plan on how to engage your audience. You will need to find a delicate balance between coming up with creative ways of captivating your potential customers while promoting your brand at the same time.

This is where storytelling comes in. For example, you could create a storytelling strategy that features your ideal customer in a leading role. From there, you can present your brand in real-world situations that demonstrate its value. Above all, your creative approach to brand promotion will give your audience a reason to share your content with other people. Also, you give social media users a compelling reason to visit your profile again and again. In turn this will drive organic traffic to your website resulting in higher chances of converting prospect into customers.

Engaging Content

When you focus on posting and sharing a variety of content types from diverse sources, you give people a chance to form lasting bonds with your brand. Rather than simply filling space, add videos, graphics, photos and humor that delivers value without asking for anything in return.

Moreover, show that you play well with others by sharing content even when it has no relevance to your products. Make a point of posting user-generated content. Also, visit the pages of your followers and get to know them on a personal level. Strive to become a business with an exciting social media presence and you will start to enjoy a larger number of returning visitors.

Excellent Customer Service

Social media gives you a fantastic opportunity to showcase your great customer service. Show your customers that you are willing to resolve their issues and sure enough, you’ll be on your way to creating a thriving community.

Customers love to express their opinions about a service or products by way of leaving comments or reviews, share opinions and ask questions. When people leave comments, promptly respond to them. Even when people express negative emotions such as anger, your attentiveness to their needs will engender respect and confidence.

Oftentimes, people are naturally skeptical of startups. Still, when they see how well you treat your customers, they will know that they can trust you. As time passes, your satisfied customers will personally refer business to you.

Connecting with People

Social media is all about people. For this reason, you should invest heavily in building a community around your brand. To do this, connect with industry influencers and influential customers who can help you expand your audience.

In the first place, encourage a sense of purpose by actively soliciting the opinions and feedback of your audience. Furthermore, you should discuss their feedback with them and implement at least some of their ideas in your business.

Friendly and Professional Communication

Always keep your communications open. Social media is a great opportunity for your business to have a voice. Keep a friendly, pleasant, but professional tone. As you converse with people, let your friendly personality shine. Generally speaking, you should mirror the tone of voice used by the people with whom you speak.

Needless to say, when you use humor and emoticons, make sure they are appropriate. The last thing you want to do is offend your audience. By the same token, make sure you avoid typographical and grammatical errors.

Monitoring Success

Never regard social media as a one-time affair. Instead, make a commitment to engage your audience and measure your results. Analytics data will help you focus on successful tactics and thereby boost efficiency.

To monitor the performance of your social media content, you can use built-in tools available on each social network. By the same token, you can choose to use one or more third-party tools that can simplify reporting and provide deeper insights.

Be Ready for New Trend

As soon as you start getting success, think about its PLC (Product Life Cycle), because as soon as any product or service becomes common a new trend or innovation must be implemented to sustain the business for long run.

Your decision to use social media to accelerate the success of your startup makes sense. Notwithstanding, you need to take a sensible approach that emphasizes the delivery of value and the development of relationships. By using the above tips, you will develop habits that will grow both your sales and profits.

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