Useful Tips for Saving Your Company from Closure

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It’s normal to have a crisis in business, even the one that will mean you will have to terminate it. You don’t have money to pay the salaries to your employees, or the bills that piled up. You debts became a weight on your shoulders and you don’t see a way out from this dire situation.

Save Company from Closure

However, there are things you can still do to save your company from closure. The recovery may need some time, patience and effort, but you can get there with these useful tips.

1. Find the Problem

Every business has its own problems and that is why identifying yours is imperative to resolve the issue. It’s important to find the exact time your profit started to fall so you can find the reason when it all went down. For example, a new competitor on the market could cause your profits to fall, or your product became outdated.

Once you have it figured out, you can create the strategy to recover and get back on the right track. It may take some time before you land on your feet again, but this is the best way to start.

2. Improve Marketing Strategy

A good marketing strategy can help you reach more customers and even redefine your brand. However, you need to know what to focus in order to ensure success. Marketing is more than simple advertising, so don’t be scared of all the things it includes.

Communication with your customers, identifying the target audience and SEO are only some of the things you need to pay attention to. This is more than one person can handle so designate a team that will take care of all marketing details. It doesn’t have to be expensive just effective and focused to give you the chance to recover.

3. Examine Your Offer

Over time, your offer may become outdated or simply needs improvement. This applies to services as well as the products you offer. To keep up with the demand you have to know what your customers want and follow the newest trends.

However, keeping a close eye on the competition is also a prudent way to improve your products. Sometimes all they need will be a makeover – new packaging, design, and wider choice. On the other hand, if some things don’t sell you have to terminate them and introduce the new ones which will respect the popular demand.

4. Change Your Business Plan

A business plan is the heart of any business. It includes the goals, milestones, budget and strategies that will help you gain profit and be successful in your line of work. But that doesn’t mean that they are functional by default, and sometimes you have to replace them with a new one.

Before you call for voluntary liquidation or declare bankruptcy, examine your business plan and create detailed points where it went wrong. For example, if you focus your sales on paper ads and telephone solicitors, you need to create a new business plan based on modern trends. Mobile phones replaced landlines and their number decreased significantly. Therefore, you will have to lose telephone solicitors. Instead, create customer support and service to replace it.

5. Find Funds to Boost the Recovery

The first solution companies think of is to find new capital to boost their plans to recover. You can probably work out some new deal with the bank to refinance your debt, which is not a bad thing. However, there are also some other things you can do to give your business a jump-start.

For example, you can find investors that are willing to invest in a certain product for the shares in your company. This can be risky since you might have to give them rights to get involved in the production process and let them have a say in the company’s plans.

Another thing you can try is to sell the assets you have and don’t use anymore. This can include old equipment, office furniture, vehicles and anything that will bring some money. However, the problem with this is that you may not be able to get much money.

Of course, you can try crowdfunding and peer-to-peer loans which are new ways for people to get money for various projects. Since you already know the sum you will need to jumpstart your business, you should base the way to get it on that amount. Sometimes a small sum can help you recover, and in other cases, your business may require considerable financial aid.


Don’t lose hope but try to find the best strategy to help you save your company. Include your employees in the process and allow them to help you out. Examine the market and listen to your customers to improve your offer. Lastly, don’t forget to follow the competition and newest trends in the business since that will help you define your new goals and help you find funds to recover.

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  1. Ryan Biddulph Avatar
    Ryan Biddulph

    Commented on

    IDing the problem immediately makes all else fall into place David. Thanks for sharing :)


    1. David Koller Avatar
      David Koller

      Commented on

      Most welcome Ryan and thanks for the feedback.