As a qualified online English teacher – the world is your oyster. Being a digital nomad has its benefits; you can travel to any destination you’ve dreamed of, and make money while you jet set across the world. Does that sound like your dream job?

Spend summer nights in Hong Kong, take surf trips to Bali, or visit the game reserves of South Africa – all while you make money to fund your expenses and enjoy the traveling lifestyle of an online English teacher.
Earn a Teaching Qualification
Learning how to teach English online isn’t as challenging as you think. If you already have a bachelor’s degree, then you already have a shoe in the door to your worldwide adventures. While teachers with degrees are a sought-after commodity, you don’t need higher education if English is your first language.
English teaching companies, such as TEFL and ESL will qualify you to teach online if English is your first language, and you take a brief teaching course. Most of these courses can have your ready as a qualified teacher in as little as 140-hours.
Travel the World
Is there a dream destination you’ve always wanted to visit? Maybe you dream of relaxing on a beach in Tahiti, or the thought of hiking through the Andes mountains tickles your interest? As a qualified English teacher, you can visit any destination you like, and work from the comfort of your hotel.
All you need to get started is a laptop and an internet connection – and you’re ready to begin your global exploration.
Fund Your Travels and Your Lifestyle
When most of us want to travel the world, our budget determines the quality of our experience. For most people, taking a few weeks off work to visit an exotic location is about the best we can hope for, and then there’s the cost involved in funding your trip.
Teaching English online allows you to fund your travels with an endless flow of travel money, from any location on earth – as long as there are Wi-Fi and electricity to run your computer. Have you had enough of your holiday to Japan? Jump on a plane and fly to any country on the map – rinse and repeat.
The Digital Nomad Lifestyle
One of the best features of traveling and working is the fact that you get to experience so many new cultures and meet new people wherever you go. Hang out in Hawaii, or take a trip to Africa – there’s nowhere that’s out of reach for a digital nomad.
As a traveling English teacher – you set the agenda and the itinerary. No one is there to look over your shoulder and tell you what to do – teaching English online allows you the opportunity to control your destiny.
In Closing – Where Will You Go?
As an online English teacher, the biggest challenge you’ll face – is choosing where to visit first. Dust off your passport, make a list of destinations, and book your tickets – it’s time to experience the best the world has to offer!
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