The IT Disaster Recovery‎ Plans and Strategies

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Today, businesses are adopting information technologies to quickly and efficiently access, process and manage their information in the form of electronic records. Employees of an organization use emails and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone systems to communicate their message to other employees.

Disaster Recovery

In fact, there is a tool called Electronic data interchange (EDI), used to transmit data, such as orders, and payments from one company to another. The server processes the information and stores a plenty of data so that you can relax at the time of any disastrous situation.

An information technology disaster recovery solution is the latest buzz in the IT sector that allows organizations to backup and restore their data in the event of any disaster. The IT disaster recovery plan should be developed in conjunction with the business continuity plan. In fact, technology recovery strategies should be created to restore applications, data and hardware in periodic time. It will give a safe and protected environment to all these assets of your business.

Both the large as well as small-scale businesses have been creating and managing tons of electronic information or data. Therefore, it is necessary to strategize a plan that can help you protect your data from dreadful situations – it can be a hardware failure, hacking or malware, natural calamity (earthquake or flood). Creating a powerful plan for data backup and restoration becomes essential these days. It will give more stable and consistent environment to your business functions, applications, processes, and data.

How to Create IT Recovery Strategies?

You should develop robust recovery strategies for IT systems, data/ electronic records and applications from the smooth running of a business. It comprises of multiple servers, networks, desktops, laptops, wireless devices, data and connectivity. You should give equal preference to the IT recovery and recovery of business functions and processes.

Plus, IT resources need to identify time-sensitive business functions and processes for the smooth continuity of a business. In simple terms, IT resource should match the recovery time objective for the business functions that relies on the IT resource.

Information technology systems typically require hardware, software, data and connectivity. All these elements are essential for running a system. Therefore, recovery strategies should be created to ascertain the loss of one or more system components mentioned below:

  • Computer room environment (should include secure computer room with climate control, and backup power supply, etc)
  • Hardware (this includes servers, networks, desktop, laptops, wireless devices and peripherals)
  • Software applications (including electronic mail, office productivity, electronic data interchange, enterprise resource management, etc)
  • Connectivity to a server provider
  • Data and restoration

There are several business organizations that cannot tolerate any downtime. They use dual data center that can handle all data processing needs that are coordinated between two centers. It is the most expensive solution that only utilized by large companies. However, there are plenty of exciting solutions for small to medium sized businesses that can help you protect applications and data of your business.

Internal Recovery Strategy

Most of the business organizations have access to multiple facilities. Plus, the hardware at an alternate facility can be configured to run similar hardware and software application whenever needed.

Vendor Supported Recovery Strategies

Several vendors available in the online market have been offering “hot sites” for IT disaster recovery. These websites are fully configured data centers using top-notch hardware and software products. There are various subscribers that may provide different sort of equipment or software either in the event of a disaster or may store it at the ready-to-use hot site.

These vendors host and manage applications, data streams and data security services. Primary business site or any alternate site can access this information. If any dreadful situation is detected at the client site by the vendor, they will automatically hold data until the client’s system is restored.

Developing an IT Disaster Recovery Plan

It is essential for a business to develop an IT disaster recovery plan. For this, you need to first compile your inventory of hardware (including servers, desktop computers, laptops and wireless devices), software applications and, of course, data.

You should plan a strategy to backup all of your credential information. You can identify critical software applications and data and the hardware that you want to backup to the cloud environment. Make sure that the copies of software applications are available to enable re-installation.

You should document the IT disaster recovery plan as a part of the business continuity plan.


With the help of this blog post, you can plan a standardized strategy to restore your data in the event of any disaster. You can opt for the best plan that can fit your business needs with ease and can help you run business continuously.

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