Is dongle better than mobile hotspot?

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In our ever-connected world, staying online is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity now.

When it comes to accessing the internet on the go or even while staying at home but on remote locations like village or sub-tier cities, two popular options often come to mind: dongles and mobile hotspots.

Dongle vs. Mobile Hotspot

Both offer portable internet solutions, but which one reigns supreme?

Let’s understand the debate and explore the strengths and weaknesses of dongles and mobile hotspots.

The dongle dilemma.

Dongles, also known as USB modems or data sticks, are compact devices that connect to a computer or laptop through a USB port to provide internet access. They often rely on cellular networks to establish connectivity.

One of the primary advantages of dongles is their portability and ease of use. They are small, lightweight, and don’t require a separate power source, making them ideal for travelers or those needing internet on the move.

However, dongles have their limitations. They typically support connectivity for a single device at a time, and the USB port constraint might be inconvenient for devices with limited ports. But this limitation is now not much common as there are mobile router kind of dongles are available everywhere.

Speed and signal strength can also vary based on network coverage, potentially leading to inconsistent performance in different locations. Plus the additional cost for a new connection is also there.

Unveiling the power of mobile hotspots.

On the other hand, mobile hotspots are standalone devices that create a Wi-Fi network to which multiple devices can connect. These devices use cellular data to provide internet access and allow users to share the connection among several devices simultaneously, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

The versatility of mobile hotspots is a standout feature. They can support multiple devices, offering a more flexible and convenient way to stay connected. Additionally, they often come with additional features like display screens for data usage monitoring and extended battery life compared to dongles.

However, mobile hotspots also have drawbacks.

They require charging, adding another device to keep powered, and may not be as compact as dongles.

Battery life can vary, and the need for consistent recharging might pose an inconvenience, especially during extended use. On top of that it is really hard to manage calls and messaging when you use it as hotspot.

Choosing the right fit.

When deciding between a dongle and a mobile hotspot, several factors come into play.

  • Usage requirements: If connectivity is primarily needed for a single device and portability is crucial, a dongle might suffice for most of the work. However, for multiple devices or scenarios where Wi-Fi sharing is necessary, a mobile hotspot could be more practical solution as mobiles are not made for this.
  • Coverage and speed: Consider the network coverage in your area and the speed required for your tasks. Different carriers might offer varying levels of coverage and performance.
  • Portability vs. functionality: Dongles offer ultimate portability, fitting easily into a pocket. Mobile hotspots sacrifice some portability for added features and the ability to connect multiple devices.


In the dongle vs. mobile hotspot debate, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Both devices cater to specific needs and preferences. While dongles excel in portability and simplicity for individual device use, mobile hotspots shine in versatility, allowing multiple devices to connect simultaneously.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your usage patterns, the number of devices you need to connect, and your priority between portability and functionality.

Understanding the strengths and limitations of both devices can guide you toward selecting the most suitable option to keep you seamlessly connected in an increasingly digital world.

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