Importance of choosing the best log management software

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In this modern world, organizations are constantly looking out to optimize their performance in each and every segment. Machine data management seems to be one of many crucial sectors, which the company must take a glance to manage carefully.

Log Management has emerged as the best operation data platform and log management software. It offers you a comprehensive overview of many things taking place on your system background in real time.

Eventually, it will create a dynamic analysis, enabling users to understand the business improvements which is helpful to take the right decision at the right time.

An Overview About Logmatic. is a perfect log analyzer that helps the whole organization enhances its business software and performance by means of influencing the machine data. It will channel machine events, metrics and almost all the logs in to a single hub. Hence, this tool will be utilized by some of the world’s topmost organizations and few other well-known organizations. Take a brief note regarding this fabulous tool.

Core Features has gained a huge fame from customers by offering topnotch services to the users. The nodejs loggings and java logging are also getting integrated into its interface. After the emergence of this tool to the market, log management has turned out to be simpler. Given below are certain coolest features provided by logmatic tool.

  • It enables proper segregation in the company of structuring data based upon the data type. It will recognize data types automatically and in turn, sort them accordingly.
  • It has supported customizable dashboards and so, users can make custom dashboard that support filtered metrics, geo maps, flow charts, and pie charts depending on various metrics.
  • It is extremely fast software equipped with low latency. With powerful search as well as filtering mechanism, it comes with some alerting features.
  • As user-friendly software found with zero learning curve, there is no specific knowledge is needed to run
  • Also for operations established with highly distributed atmosphere, this software will work great and enable you to pinpoint error sources or interested events in a trouble-free manner.

Hassle-Free Installation

Logmatic generally runs on cloud. Because of this reason, things are saved as immediately as possible, even though when many a number of users are accessing the same file. In reality, it is very simple and straightforward to combine the logs and consolidate them into this remarkable log analysis platform. The heroku logs, machine events and metrics could be shared from anywhere. So, you can choose the following using a log shipper:

  • Data could be managed with logical fields, metrics and tag sets
  • Scale on demand devoid of robotic overage fines

Enrichment and Parsing

The raw and irregular data could be converted into organized and meaningful data with the help of this software, as this log software could recognize the patterns, allowing you to run your very own regulations. Both requests and transactions will be tracked by making use of dynamic tagging for the purpose of cluttering the information.

  • Editable Grok Parsers: validating, testing, deploying right away from the user interface of
  • Automatic recognition: Syslog, Apache, JSON events, Firewalls, Nginx and Key/value patterns
  • Custom Tagging: Split into categories and group elements, which cut across technology stack.
  • Integrated IP Geo-location and User-Agent parsing: find out the visitor’s browsers, OS and devices

Commanding Investigation Abilities

By making use of different attributes, you can able to view each of your main logs and filter machine data. Even, proper entries will be viewed while on the go. You can also inspect your logs easily and resolve the present events. Listed below are different logs and searches, which can be obtained:

  • Full text granular search down to log level
  • Granular search down to log level
  • Real time search and logs
  • Different complex search queries such as AND, OR, Wildcards, exclusions, fuzzy searches and many more.

Flexible Alerting

Finding deviations and unusual behaviors can be done easily. The unusual things, which are happening currently, can be noticed immediately within few seconds.

  • Flexible alerts could be made because of logs analyzed through search queries or user defined thresholds.
  • The reports could be produced hourly, daily, weekly or even monthly basis
  • You will get alerts by means of slack, PagerDuty or Hipchat as well
  • The alerts will be obtained via template web hooks, so that you could be notified by the log management software of logmatic on getting the servers. Review

It enables people to scale on demand, as it won’t any automated average penalties. So, you can make use of it devoid of having any of the proprietary codes from logmatic over your servers. People can select between a purely log shipper approach or agent less approach. It will work with windows, Linux, Hosted platforms including Docker/Heroku, servers that have Nginx or Apache, Ruby on rails, devices with iOS etc. in which you could easily use automated integration. With the help of logmatic, you can able to work using your Heroku logs easily. will enable users to keep track of their entire systems, troubleshoot errors and also set alerts for many different events through logging previous to issues become critical. In terms of machine learning approach, this software is deemed as one amongst the eventual to manage your operations. In case you are someone who would like to control your data completely, then this seems to be the perfect one.


This log management software will be used to automate the processes and collaborate different organization departments together. Although its setup is relatively tricky, logmatic provides high speed, team support and adaptability over cloud to almost all its users. As we are involved in a data centric age, almost everything that we do would be quantified, collated and even stored for the purpose of long term usage. The steps, which we take and errors we make, virtually each and every thing will be stored. is one such data platform software that ease the process of storing and analyzing machine and log events.

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