How to Increase Social Media Engagement?

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There’s no denying that social media is the place to be if you’re running a business. You’ve got a bigger audience than you’ve ever had before, and reach all over the globe with just the touch of a button. If you’re not on social media yet, now’s the time to get involved. Here’s 7 tips that will help you give your engagement a huge boost.

Boost Your Business' Engagement on Social Media

1. Consistency is Key

As with any kind of posting online, you have to be consistent with what you’re doing. When you start setting up your social media accounts, think about how often you want to post, and what you want to post about. Once you have a plan in place, make sure you stick to it.
For example, you may want to promote your fashion business by posting at least twice a week, featuring some of the newest lines you have in stock. You can do this by setting aside on day for posting about a new line you’re excited about, or sharing pictures from customers wearing your clothes.

2. Hire the Experts

If you’re not comfortable writing your own content, you can absolutely hire freelancers and experts to do it for you. It’s easy to find writers online who are comfortable with writing social media content online, so you can get someone with the experience to write the best posts for you.
As well as this, you can also hire editors to proofread and edit the content you’ve already written. This is a great idea if you haven’t got the time to be checking the content yourself.

If you want to find a writer, try looking on some of these:

  • Contently
  • Freelancer
  • Job4Writer
  • TextBroker
  • Upwork
  • UK Writings

3. Format Your Post to Fit the Social Network

If you’re using several different social networks, it’s important to remember that not every network works differently. What a user on Instagram follows, for example, won’t be of interest for someone on Facebook. You need to format your posts to fit each network, even if the message is the same.

For example, you could be posting about a discount on a item in your store. On Instagram, you would post an image that gets the discount across quickly, in a eye catching manner. On Twitter, you could simply announce the discount and it’s accompanying code. On Facebook, you can go into more detail about what the discount gets you.

4. Remember That Not Everything Needs ‘Likes’

When posting on social media, you’re of course hoping that your followers will ‘like’ and share your posts around. After all, it’s an incredibly simple and effective marketing strategy. However, if you’re not getting ‘likes’ on all of your posts, you don’t need to worry.

This is because there are some things you’ll need to post that just won’t garner as much attention. For example, charity posts, testimonials, and press features won’t be as popular as some as your other content. However, they are just as important and should be posted. All of these posts are building up brand familiarity and trust, so stick with it.

5. Mind Your Spelling and Grammar

It’s social media, but your spelling and grammar is just as important on here too. In fact, it could be seen as more important. After all, your posts are going to be seen by thousands of eyes. You don’t want to slip up and post an error that could be spread far and wide before you can correct it. This is why editing and proofreading is important.

Make sure that you check your posts over before they go live.

6. Remember to Interact with Your Audience

Many social media accounts fall flat because they set everything up, post a few times, and then lose interest. Why? Because they aren’t seeing the followers coming in. This happens because the companies behind the accounts don’t interact with others online.
The best way to interact with others is to follow accounts that are relevant to your business, and interact with people who talk to you online. Many customers will use social media as the first place to talk to you, so make sure that you pay attention to them.

7. Provide Value

Some of your posts are going to be about your products but that can’t be everything you talk about. Followers will quickly lose interest. If you’re looking to stay in it for the long haul, look to provide value with your posts.

For example, you can create a post to honour a national holiday, special events, or to react to global news. It must still be relevant to you in some way, but it gives your readers something interesting to check out in their news feed.

Social media is one of the best ways to market yourself, if you know how to use it. Follow these tips, and you’ll have posts that will catch the eye of your target audience online.

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