Everyone likes to have a good-looking desktop dock that has most used apps in it. I like Ubuntu’s Dock too, but it’s more user-friendly, but most of us prefer it on the bottom side just like we see on macOS.
I like to see Ubuntu Dock at bottom side instead of left side, and Ubuntu has set its height to extended mode that stretches it to full height. Although it looks good at left or right side but on bottom side stretched dock looks unpleasing to me. To make it look beautiful, I made a small change here and set dock’s extend-height to false.

Before we stop Ubuntu Dock from extending to the edges, first move the dock to the bottom side.
Go to settings → Appearance → Dock → Position on screen → Bottom (by default it’s set to left).
Now make it dynamic by disabling extend-height. This can be done using terminal.
Open terminal app and put the following command instruction.
gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock extend-height false
If you want to revert the action, just change value to true, as mentioned below.
gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock extend-height true
This is it. Or you can disable the default dock and add your own dock using gnome extensions.
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