Fresh SEO Tactics to Boost Your Website’s Traffic

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The web world is the most popular yet risky place because it allows only those to sustain who are perfect and updated in all terms. As almost entire percentage of crowd is available online in today’s era, businesses need to follow them to be in the reach of maximum. SEO is the common concept that has been increasingly adopted in the current scenario in order to gain optimum organic traffic.

Search engine optimization simply states to improve the ranking of a website in result pages of a search engine so that users will reach a website quickly. Practically, a website at the second or third page of a search engine will not get enough traffic as compared to those websites coming at the first page and on the top of SERPs.


Let’s look out some of the offbeat ideas that can help fostering traffic on your WordPress website. 

Page Load Speed

Users will not be interested in your WordPress website if they have to wait for some extra seconds. So, it is mandatory that you must work on page speed so that the dwell time of the visitors will not get impacted.

The bounce rate and number of pages being visited are corelated and need attention. It is easy to work over page speed by using caching plug-ins allow code to be streamlined and clean, minimize redirects, optimize image size and to reduce the number of plugins.


It is good to use rich quality images if you want to pump your conversion rate. A pretty picture can create empathy, create interest of the user, build trust among the visitors and help improve the user experience.

Image size and file format are two important aspects of using optimum images from SEO point of view. Another approach to boost the relevancy of content in the eyes of search engines is to use keywords for the filename of your image plus title, description, caption and alt tag.

Header Tags

Effective use of header tags is quite necessary to improve the user experience and SEO ranking of a website. The header tags will break your content into multiple sections which is quite readable.

Moreover, it makes users more willing to spend quality time with genuine interest and might also improve chances of readers to come back in the future. It will signal the search engines for the relevancy of your website. With WordPress website, it becomes very easy to improve the ranking of a website by using some inbuilt plugins.

Outbound Links

For creating useful content, it is an beneficial to link with the authority sites that are giving more in-depth knowledge to the readers. Linking with the trusted websites not only increases content relevancy but also maximizes the time spent on the website. It also sends trust signals to Google for improving the SEO ranking.

Apart from all the benefits, one must keep an eye to ensure that there are not many outbound links because they make content hard to go through and may distract the users.

Mobile Optimization

In this business-oriented era, audiences are not confined in one place. The people of today use all kind of devices like tablets, laptops, smartphones, etc. and to adopt the same, brands are adopting mobile optimization concept.

This concept is now becoming a trend with the mobile-first index to be introduced in 2018. It is the high time to think for the SEO strategies meant for mobile searches. The mobile-friendly WordPress websites get better search ranking on mobile searches. It is a wise approach in this context to make everything mobile-optimized from colors, fonts, content and logo design. You can find whether your website is responsive or not by using a responsive checker tool.


Videos are supposed to convince visitors to spend more time on your website and retain more information about you. It is an easy way to make your content interactive and neat enough.

In today’s era, video marketing is expanding as an integral element to drive improved conversion and effective user engagement. Studies have shown that websites containing videos have a high conversion rate as compared to those that do not embed videos.

“Contact Us” Page

Websites with enough contact information are considered to be trustworthy enough and may rank higher in result pages. A ‘Contact Us’ page on any website and then putting the navigation link gives a relaxing user experience.

A well-structured contact form adds more points to the web presence of a company and generates wide business opportunities plus notable lead capturing.


It is an obvious approach to keep your WordPress website on the top of search results if you want to survive in this competitive world. SEO is the most popular concept over the web if you are looking for a strong web presence for better business results. The above SEO tips are of great help for all kind of businesses and render quality performance in terms of sales, revenues and ROI.

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