Ditch Your To-Do Lists to Be More Productive

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What I am going to write now is probably something that productivity business owners won’t share when they are stuffed with lots of work.

I have lost my faith to to-do lists and I am going to drop my list completely.

There must be a completely different approach to productivity. There must be something else than to-do lists, projects and deadlines. There must be a solution for over worked and over stressed individuals.

To-do lists and productivity is a significant core of business operations. I have not even counted how many list applications there are on the market. They all add something to the list. Some have timers, some have nice colors, some can slide beautifully to the left and some have different ways to delegate your tasks.

But they all are just lists.

We all have them – to-do lists.

But is the to-do list the best thing in productivity? Is it only way to get things done?

Or is the list just one form of auto piloting?

One of my colleagues complained while back that he has so many things in his list. (Actually in backlog how we call it in Scrum methodology)

I asked from him, “do you really know that you need to do them all?”

“What do you mean?”, He asked.

“I mean what would happen if you would drop all items?”. He looked at me surprised first, but then he started to realize what I was after, “But People have asked for those things”

“Yes, I know, but what would happen if you would not do them and instead would do what you think you should do?”

“Nothing I suppose. At least most people would not ask again. Some would.”, he replied already bit carelessly.

“That is what I mean. You most likely keep a list of items that are not really needed or required”.

To-do list might actually hinder your success. It might be the thing that blocks you from achieving what you want.

Instead of aiming your success or trying to reach your goals. You are just executing your list, which is in worst case populated by others – not by you.

To-do list becomes easily like a check list. You execute it routinely without thinking if the tasks have any value or meaning.

Instead of figuring out what is the next task that brings you closer to the ultimate success you are just checking what is the next item in your list.

To-do list is keeping you busy but does it bring you any closer of your targets?

If you would not execute all items in your list. What would happen? What would you do instead? What will happen if you someday manage to finish all the tasks in your list? Are you successful or is it that others will celebrate the work you have done?

Do you ever think what is the most important thing you could do next?

Not the next item. ..but the next most important item for your goals?

Be More Productive Without a To-Do List

I am going to get rid of to-do lists completely. Now I don’t keep a list.

Ditch To-Do Lists

So, what I am offering instead.

My daily habit will be:

Write Your Long-Term Goals on Top of Paper

Only 2-3 goals that are measurable. Revisit your goals daily and rewrite them if they chance.

Take Two Things That Bother and Stress You the Most

Take care those items immediately. Find a solution. You need to clear your mind to be great.

Create a List of Reminders of the Things You Won’t Do Today


  • I won’t read email today (or it is the last thing I will do)
  • I won’t take care of the invoices
  • I won’t do any administrative work today
  • I wont check twitter during the day

The next part is heavily influenced by the book “One thing“.

Write One Thing You Can Do Today to Move Closer to Your Goals

One thing that makes everything else easier or unnecessary. You are searching for domino effect. If you do that one thing – things start to happen.

Your number one priority is to reach your daily goal. Don’t let anything to get in to your way. Cancel meetings, contact people and work your ass off.

When You Reach Your Goals – Celebrate

Say loudly how great you are. Go for coffee, go for ice-cream do what ever, but be happy and proud you just finished your daily goals.


Spent rest of the day to talk with others. (Destroy their productivity How to finally get rid of your to do list? The dead of to do list.

Prepare for the Next Day

After finishing your daily goal. You don’t need to set next goal.

What you can do instead is to secure next day. Check what is on your calendar, cancel meetings and arrange time for your next days goals.

With this approach…

I don’t have deadlines.

I don’t have long-term plans. Just goals.

I don’t have growing to-do list to maintain.

You are probably thinking what about all incoming stuff? How do I handle that?

That will be the topic for my next post: How to handle all incoming stuff.

What to do to all requests if I don’t even have list to write them on?

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