Top 10 Best Search Engines in the World

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In this highly advanced world, many people regularly use an internet platform to search unknown things to, buy products, run business and for other purposes. Search engine plays a vital role in searching process, because it is purely designed to successfully search for details on WWW (World Wide Web) including images, web pages and different types of details available online related to your search query. In order to enjoy the conveniences, all sorts of people want to use the best and effective search engine. Most of the global users want an exclusive search engine that offers 3 key features such as relevant results, simple to read as well as uncluttered interface and helpful choices to tighten or broaden a search.

Best Search Engines

There are wide ranges of search engines available online, so people often get confused while choosing the best one. In order to eliminate the difficulties, the following guide comes with a list of top search engines globally. The superior list offers awesome facts about different search engines and its uniqueness.  The list not only based on which are widely used and most popular globally, but also considered the number of unique users of every search engine.  These top the search engines or platforms are likely to be upgraded and well-maintained when essential to keep speed with the mounting web. Here is a list of top 10 best search engines as follows:

#01 Google

Google is one of the most popular and Best Search Engines owned an extraordinary reputation as a remarkable choice for searching. It is a crawler-based service that offers comprehensive coverage facilities with better relevancy. For this reason, Google is greatly recommended as the best choice for your searching process. The highly renowned platform not only offers some benefits, but also allows you to find out more than the web pages. You can seek out attractive images easily online by using the search box of Google’s home page. Google is well known for its unique features, like “cached links”. It allows you to resurrect the dead pages and see previous versions of newly changed ones.

Google provides brilliant spell checking, street maps, and simple access to the dictionary definitions, telephone number, and combination of essential stock quotes and more, you can also see the help page of Google for a complete rundown option on some features. While speaking about Google toolbar, it has a famous following for simple access it directly offer to this search engine and its unique specifications from your Internet Explorer browser.  Along with its unpaid editorial outcomes, Google also offers an effective advertising program, known as CPC (cost-per-click) AdWords program. It places ads on both the Google and its partners. Likewise, it is also an excellent specialist of unpaid editorial outcomes to other popular search engines.

#02 Yahoo!

It is the oldest web directory which is launched in the year of 1994. Yahoo is an excellent platform where professional editors effectively organize the web sites into proper categories. Though, in the month of October 2002, this directory made a massive shift to crawler-based listings for its major results. Now, this brilliant search engine utilizes its personal search technology and appears as one of the Top 10 Search Engines.  Along with fine search results or benefits, you can also utilize the tabs on its home page in order to seek the images and yellow page listings.

It not only brings you some conveniences, but also allows you to utilize the fantastic shopping SE (search engine) of Yahoo. Still, the famous yahoo directory survives. Additionally, you will see “category” links under the useful site lists in responding to any keyword search. The process will surely take you to effective lists of online portal that have been approved and reviewed by the human editor.  The CAP (content acquisition program) of yahoo also provides pain inclusion properly. It is offered in pure content from the non-profit platform for free.


It initially obtained popularity in the years of 1998 & 1999 as being a “natural language” SE that allows you search or find by simply asking questions as well as responded along with what actually seemed to be an appropriate answer to all things. In fact, there are many things that made this Ask Jeeves platform perform very well. The platform at one instance about hundred editors who effectively monitored all the search logs.

After that, they properly went out above the web as well as situated what appeared to be an effective site to suit the highly preferred queries.  In the year of 1999, this great platform obtained direct hit or strike, which had created the world’s best “click popularity” find or search technology. Now, this search engine purely depends on the crawler-based technology in order to provide fine results to its potential visitors and increase its position in a list top 10 Best Search Engines. These outcomes come from a specially developed Teoma algorithm, currently called as Expert Rank.


It is another popular platform powered by an excellent search engine, popularly known as Yahoo. The superior search engine is more customizable and lighter, so it brings you pure and pleasant search experience, so it has achieved a fine position in the popular search engines list. The main concentration is on a web search. In addition, it also offers some additional search options such as FTP, MP3, Video, Picture and news search. It was previously managed by the company known as FAST and it was used as a showcase for that company’s web search technology.  For this reason, it sometimes called as FAST Search of FAST. Though, this platform was bought by the search specialist Overture in the month of late April 2003.

#05 AOL Search

The best and effective search engine offer users with some editorial listings that truly comes crawler-based index of Google or other search engines. Certainly, the similar search on the AOL Search and Google will truly come with extremely similar matches. This superior feature encourages global people to use this effective search engine, known as AOL Search. While speaking about the AOL Search’s internal version, it offers effective links to content just available within online AOL services. In this method, you can easily search AOL as well as the complete web option at a time. And the external version truly lacks these useful links. The AOL Search platform does not offer cached pages which are the attractive features of Google. For this reason, most of the people use Google instead AOL Search.

#06 HotBot

It is a well known search engine that provides simple access to three famous crawler-based SEs (search engine) such as Google, Yahoo and Teoma. The effective search engine does not blend the outcomes from these crawlers together.  Yet, this is an easy and fast way to obtain multiple web search results or opinions in a single place.  The Hotbot includes “choose a search engine” interface option which was established in the month of December 2002. Though, Hotbot includes a great history or record as the search brand previous to this date. It debuted in the month of May 1996, so it achieved a powerful following among interested searchers for the comprehensiveness and quality of its effective crawler-based outcomes, which were offered by the Inktomi, at an instance.

It also grabbed the attention or focuses on the experienced techies and web users, especially for unusual colors as well as interface it keep on to the sport today. The search engine also obtained more disrepute when it completely switched above to using the Direct Hit’s “clickthrough” outcomes for its major listings in the year of 1999. Then, Direct Hit was considered as the hot and best search engine platform that had appeared recently. While speaking about its search quality, it is not same as Google. The search engine is also affected by being managed by the Lycos. The platform has obtained HotBot when it bought Wired Digital in the month of October 1998. It failed to create search an effective priority on its own flagship Lycos platform and HotBot via much of 1999 & 2000, as this highly focused instead on including “portal” features.

#07 AltaVista

The famous search engine truly opened in the month of December 1995 as well as for many years was “Google” of its own day, in terms of offering relevant outcomes and including a trustworthy group of clients that appreciated the service. Unhappily, an effort to turn the AltaVista into portal site in the year of 1998 saw the firm lose track of the importance of search. At present, AltaVista is again concentrated on the search. Outcomes come from the famous search engine like Yahoo, as well as tabs over a search box allow you to truly go beyond the web search to easily find images, video, Audio/MP3, News and Human category listing results. If you truly want lighter-feel or experience than Yahoo, AltaVista is truly a worth considering.  It was owned by the Digital, after that, it can taken over by highly renowned Compaq, while that firm bought Digital in the year of 1998. It was afterward spun off into private firm, managed by CMGI. The Overture buying this platform in the month of April 2003, then it later becomes segment of Yahoo platform when this bought Overture.

#08 Live Search

It is a name of the web search engine of Microsoft and appears as a great successor to the MSN search. The effective search engine has designed to effectively complete with leading companies such as Yahoo and Google. It offers lots of innovative features such as the power to clearly view some extra search outcomes on similar web page same as popular search engines. It also has some unique features to properly adjust the range of details displayed for every search-result. This also permits you to save searches as well as see them efficient automatically on the reliable website, known as

The great services was powerful by  LookSmart results previously and obtained excellent scores for owning its individual team of experienced editors or specialists that monitored all highly renowned searches being carried out to the hand-pick portals supposed to be very relevant. The great system worked very well.

#09 Lycos

The Lycos is another old search engines online, established in the year of 1994. The search engine ceased a crawling the web option for its personal listings in the month of April 1999 as well as instead offers access to the human-powered outcomes from the LookSmart for highly preferred queries as well as crawler-based outcomes from the most popular platform Yahoo for others.”Fast Forward” surely allow you to watch search results or outcomes in single side of the screen as well as the relevant pages properly listed in another.

The relevant categories or divisions of human-compiled details from the most popular Open Directory truly appear at the underneath of the effective search results page. The oldest search engine is truly owned by famous Terra Lycos, an excellent firm formed with Terra Networks and Lycos merged in the month of October 2000. Along with this, the famous company also posses the HotBot SE (search engine) clearly described above.

#10 Netscape Search

It is owned by AOL Time Warner. The Netscape Search platform utilizes the Google for its major listings, simply as does other major search platforms of AOL, which is known as AOL search. If you wish to know about the benefits of using Netscape search platform rather than topmost Google, you can utilize this guide. Unlike with the AOL Search platform, it does not include any compelling reason to properly consider this. The major differences between Google and Netscape search are that the Netscape Search platform will list certain Netscape’s content at the peak of its result page. The search engine also includes an entirely different feel and look than Google. When you decide to try the different search engine, then consider Netscape Search. Or else, you’re almost certainly better off simply searching at the Google.

Some Other Best Search Engines

  • – The only search engine that doesn’t track you.
  • – A safe search engine for kids, by kids.

Therefore, using the best and well designed search engine is a simple way to gain highly relevant results within short time duration. The fine list of search engines is created after analyzing each and every aspect of different search engines. These details help to produce appropriate list of highly sophisticated search engines. These are the most popular and best search engines available in this world, but Google and Yahoo are been used by many individuals.

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