7 Best Tools to Enhance Your Writing Skills

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From time to time we all have problems when we need to write. Some of us are just not that verbal and if professional writers experience writer`s block often, what hope do the rest of us have? Like it or not, writing is an intricate part of our daily lives. Whatever we do and whatever educational or professional stage we are in our lives, we are always writing something and people are always judging us for it and this makes the experience quite stressful!

Take resume writing, for example, this small piece of document literally determines your future. You can be an expert with many years experience for the position you are applying if your CV is written poorly the recruiter will just disregard it!

Luckily, today there are many tools that you can get free online that can help you write and produce well structured, grammatically accurate, easy to read work!

Writing Tools

Let’s check out some of these tools that will help ease your frustration!

#1. Draft

Draft is an app that puts you in touch with other writers. A huge benefit of this is that you submit your work trough Draft and then others get to review it and edit it. You can, of course, choose to accept or not their suggested changes to your paper. Another great feature is the Hemingway mode. This mode is designed to push you when you need volume. It forces you to simply go forward with no options for editing and backtracking. When you have written enough you just switch back to normal mode and edit.

#2. FocusWriter

For most people writing isn`t fun. Most people struggle with it and would gladly do something else instead, like literally anything! So it is super convenient that your phone is right there so you can go on all your favorite social media apps or read the news or whatever! If you want to try and actually get something done you should try FocusWriter! It lets you hide apps you don`t want to see (or can`t resist) while writing. As an added bonus you can even put a typewriter sound effect with it and release your inner Woody Allen!

#3. The Hemingway App

If you want to produce work worthy of a paper writing service (but free) you need to be using the Hemingway app. This app focuses on readability. It is especially useful when writing papers that need to be easy to read, precise and to the point. Like a CV`s for example, it will help you structure your description of past work and educational experience so the descriptions are not too long and confusing. This app highlights sentences that are difficult to read so you can re-word them and edit them so they are easier to read!

#4. Evernote

It Is your very own digital notebook! Amazing app to help you organize everything when doing research. You can upload all sorts of file types in it: PDF, pictures, text… You can make notes and comments and organize in a way that will be easy when you get to actually writing.

#5. Grammarly

You want your work to be free of grammatical errors! Grammarly is a web browser extension that lets you upload a word document up to one hundred pages long. It will point out mistakes and you can easily edit them on the spot and save a new correct version. Not only this but being an extension Grammarly will point out spelling mistakes while using the browser. You will never again have a spelling mistake while chatting!

#6. Vocabulary.com

If you have ever struggled with finding the right word this site is for you! It will teach you new words and phrases with fun little quizzes. It is all designed to see the words you are trying to learn in use so you would remember more easily. Just be careful to not go overboard or no one will understand what you wrote!

#7. Trello

Trello is a great web application that functions as an online bulletin board. You can scribble your notes, ideas and to-do lists. You can arrange these notes into categories for better organization of your ideas and thoughts. It can work also as a collaborative tool if you are working within a team on an assignment.

If you can’t beat them join them! Writing in some form or another is a requirement we are all obliged to do. If you are not very good with writing assignments you can use these great tools to help you organize better, keep all your materials easily accessible and under one account. They will help you produce work of better quality and it will save you on time and energy!

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