5 Simple Tricks to Get More Email Subscribers in Less Than 5 Minutes

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Email marketing still continues to be the bread and butter strategy for businesses to increase their sales. As the modern day marketing adage goes “the money is in the list”, many businesses find it absolutely critical to focus on converting their website traffic into subscribers.

Are you prepared to get more and more email subscribers in less time? Before pursuing the conversion of web-traffic into subscribers, you must first get to know the cardinal rule of email subscription, which says you should attract the right kind of people who regularly engage with your business and take the required actions. The truth is a few hundred dedicated customers can outperform tens of thousands of generic subscribers.

Get More Email Subscribers

So how will you attract the right kind of people or convert your visitors into eager subscribers? The following simple tricks will clearly give you ideas:

1. Make it Easy for Visitors to Signup

Email Subscription Box

The attention span of humans is even shorter than a goldfish’s. Why this comparison? When it comes to landing pages or opt-in forms, your visitors will never like to waste their time in going through lengthy sign-up process.

However, if something is easier, the general logic is people are more likely to do it. Thus, the easy solution for you is to have a fast sign-up process that has bare minimum fields to fill. You can further make it easy for your website visitors by integrating the Facebook Connect/Login and Google Login options on your website.

You can customize the buttons and even choose which fields to map to your member accounts. If there’s no financial transaction involved, then it should be limited to email. Or in case you need a shipping address, make sure they can auto-fill that information from their billing address. So in simple terms, the key here is to reduce the barrier to entry as much as possible.

2. Make Use of Trigger Words That Encourage Action

As I already mentioned you have just a few seconds to grab your readers’ attention and convert them into subscribers. This is where the use of “trigger words” or “power words” comes into play in order your audiences. Not only in email marketing, but these words can potentially be used anywhere such as e-commerce, social media engagement and content marketing. These words will always push or compel your audience to take the right action. The following is the list of useful trigger words:

  • Fast: Elicits the feeling of fast results or fast delivery
  • Limited: Makes it exclusive or hard to get
  • Guarantee: Makes it risk free
  • Free: Powerful motivator with regards to budget
  • You: An emotional connection with your reader
  • Important: Your readers don’t want to miss anything
  • New: Makes people curious
  • Save: Save time, save money…..
  • Proven: Tried and tested
  • How: Explains how something necessary is done
  • Instantly: Nudges people to avail opportunities and instant rewards
  • Easy: People tend to follow easier methods and steps
  • More: More resources and opportunities

3. Offer a Special Deal to New Subscribers

You can offer an instant incentive to your readers for becoming newsletter subscribers as your opt-in page provides you a golden opportunity to do this. Most of the marketers use “thank you pages” and simply thank their users for subscribing; only giving information on how to confirm their sign-up.

However, you need to go to an extra yard by giving your subscribers an exclusive deal.

For example, if you own a restaurant, describe your process for procuring ingredients or testing new recipes. Or you can consider writing a useful or exclusive content that will be seen only by the newsletter audiences. So by offering instant and special perks, you can leverage your readers to encourage new sign-ups.

You can also create a subscriber-exclusive coupon code. The point simply is when you promote your newsletter, it should include behind-the-scenes peeks, brand new content, or subscriber-only discounts.

4. Add Opt-in Link to Your Email Signature

Email SignatureYou can grow your contact list as well as subscribers by adding a link to your email signature. A link to your sign-up form in your personal email is a great way to encourage your readers to subscribe your product or service. By putting a hyperlinked call-to-action in your email signature, you can drastically increase your subscriber base. Apart from that, when it comes to your website, you can place opt-in forms at strategic locations. That is, more opt-in forms means more chances of converting visitors into subscribers. Moreover, a step by step guide to email marketing will help you gain a better understanding of connecting with your leads and converting into loyal subscribers.

Adding opt-in link in your mail is very easy.

  • For Microsoft Outlook…… File > Options > Create or Modify Signatures for Message
  • For Outlook.com……. More mail settings > Formatting, font and signature
  • For Gmail……… Settings > General > Signature
  • For Yahoo mail…… Options > Mail Options > Signature

5. Regular Content Upgrades

Content upgrades is getting popular with each passing day, many site owners are implementing it with great success. A content upgrade is “bonus” content that is extremely specific to your page’s content – given for free, albeit in exchange for an email address. You can also use the same strategy for your visitors who haven’t subscribed to your list yet or are about to leave your site. Since content is the lifeblood of every online business, so you have to invest in creating high quality content and regularly update it.

A study conducted by Dragon Search Marketing shows that 61% of consumer buying decisions are influenced by custom content or content upgrades. For that, you can use e-books, infographics, check-lists, email courses, and interviews. In order to collect sign-ups for your content upgrades and growing your email list, you can also use certain tools and software. Some of the highly effective and preferred ones are: Content Upgrades Pro for WordPress, OptinMonster for Conversion optimization and lead generation, and LeadPages – content upgrade plugin.

Final Thoughts

There are no two views on the fact that email subscription is a powerful way of lead generation. As you just saw some simple yet effective ways to get more email subscribers, similarly there are many more tricks you can follow. The only thing is they shouldn’t be too much complicated to perform.

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