Freelance Writing Niches: That You May Not Have Considered Yet!

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Choosing your writing niche as a freelance writer is never easy.

There are so many different niches out there that it can be difficult to know where to begin or even to be fully aware of what actual niches are out there.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to freelancing writing niches is the fact that there has to be a market for it. If there’s no market, there are no clients.

That being said, you may have to change or adapt your niche to meet the market continuously, so you always have work coming in.


Aside from the obvious, there is a tonne of writing niches to explore. So you can pick one to suit you, here are some of the less-common niches you might be interested in writing for.

01. Ghostwriting

One of the most increasingly common forms of freelance writing is a ghostwriter. However, this is more of an umbrella term since you could be writing books, articles, product descriptions and everything in between.

When ghostwriting, you’ll be writing on behalf of another person as though you are them, such as an autobiography, since the person may not have the skills to do it themselves.

02. Content Writer

Content marketing is one of the biggest industries out there and one of the greatest advertising tools to have ever existed. Although more common that many of the other niches on this list, content writing is big business, and the chances are that you’ll also be able to find work.

However, you’ll need to remember you may also be able to find work in the most unlikely of places. For example, websites like ViaWriting, Grammarix, Cite It In, State Of Writing and Writing Populist all provide content to their readers and subscribers, as well as other businesses, but don’t necessarily follow the traditional blogging format.

03. Blogging

There are two reasons you might want to blog. Firstly, to educate your readers, or the readers of a website, about a certain topic or subject. The second is to entertain readers, inspiring them to go somewhere or do something.

A freelance blogger needs to be creative and think outside the box when it comes to writing content that readers will engage with. Blogging opportunities can be found anywhere and everywhere online by simply searching the niche you want to write for.

04. Resume Writer

A resume writer does exactly what you think it does. Not everybody is born to be a writer and will find it even more difficult when they’re trying to write about themselves in a way that will secure them a job interview. However, if you’ve got a knack for it, why not create resumes on people’s behalf. Using websites like Resume Service, you can easily find work writing resumes for people around the world.

05. Technical Writer

Technical writing usually falls under the category of writing instruction manuals, how-to guides and other forms of educational content.

This niche requires you to be extremely accurate, thorough and factually accurate, so a keen eye for detail is essential.

06. Social Media Writer

One of the most overlooked writing niches, social media writing is creating Facebook posts, Tweets, Instagram captions and more on behalf of businesses and individuals. However, there is so much more to this niche than writing 280 characters in a box.

You need to be engaging, informative and make the most of your word limits while knowing how to get an internet user to engage with the posts or to follow calls to action.

07. Review Writer

One of the best ways for a business to sell their products and services to a customer is by having stellar reviews on those products.

However, somebody needs to write these reviews, especially if a business is starting up and struggling to get these sales in because of a lack of reviews.

Using review websites like Revieweal, you’ll be able to find jobs reviewing websites on behalf of customers to make sure they’re choosing the right service for them.

08. Product Description Writer

There’s a fine art that comes with writing product descriptions where you’ve got to find a balance of writing an engaging marketing piece that sells a product while balancing factual information and product details.

09. Academic Writer

More and more students are finding it difficult to keep up with the workloads that are set to them during school, college or university. There are many reasons for this from unfair professors, intensive courses and no hours in the day thanks to friends and part-time jobs.

The Huffington Post recently released a ‘Write My Essay’ article on custom essay writing services, that are providing writing services that help students to complete their essays and educational assignments.

If you have experience in writing for academic purposes, this could be perfect for you.

10. Legal Writer

This one comes in very handy if you’ve got some experience in the legal industry.

But within this niche, you’ll be writing up terms and conditions pages for businesses and their websites as well as the potential to write research papers, contracts and other forms of agreements. Make sure you have enough knowledge of what you are planning to do.

11. Editor (Proofreader)

Not all companies and businesses will have time to both generate their content and proofread it to make sure it’s perfect. This is why more and more of these companies are looking to invest in a freelance writer who can do it on their behalf.

An eye for detail is essential in this role but using services, you’ll be able to find work proofreading, editor and overall perfecting content for individuals around the world.

12. E-Book Writer

Whether you’re writing an eBook for yourself or on behalf of a business, this is another highly detailed form of writing where you’ll be able to go in-depth about a specific subject, typically including the proofreading and editing tasks as well.

These are 12 best freelance writing niches which is in the market and you can opt in any one or more whichever suits you. Just take some experience in anyone.

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